NULR Online
Submissions from 2008
Crying Havoc Over the Outsourcing of Soldiers and Democracy's Slipping Grip on the Dogs of War, Joshua S. Press
(September 8, 2008)
Hot Spots in the Legislative Climate Change Proposals, Carol M. Rose
(February 4, 2008)
Sprint/United Management Co. V. Mendelsohn: The Supreme Court Appears to Have Punted on the Admissibility of “Me Too” Evidence of Discrimination. But Did It?, Mitchell H. Rubinstein
(April 14, 2008)
The Significance of Sprint/United Management Company v. Mendelsohn: A Reply to Professors Gregory and Secunda, Mitchell H. Rubinstein
(July 10, 2008)
The Many Mendelsohn “Me Too” Missteps: An Alliterative Response to Professor Rubinstein, Paul Secunda
(June 23, 2008)
Dysfunctional Deference and Board Composition: Lessons from Enron, Bernard S. Sharfman and Steven J. Toll
(October 9, 2008)
What Riegel Portends for FDA Preemption of State Law Products Liability Claims, Catherine M. Sharkey
(July 21, 2008)
What Riegel Portends for FDA Preemption of State Law Products Liability Claims (Part II), Catherine M. Sharkey
(July 24, 2008)
The Problematic Nature of Contractionist Statutory Interpretations, Brian G. Slocum
(May 26, 2008)
The Future of International Antitrust and Improving Antitrust Agency Capacity, Daniel D. Sokol
(December 8, 2008)
A Floor, Not a Ceiling: Federalism and Remedies for Violations of Constitutional Rights in Danforth v. Minnesota, Ilya Somin
(June 19, 2008)
An Ounce of Prevention: Solving Some Unforeseen Problems with the Proposed Amendments to Rule 56 and the Federal Summary Judgment Process, Adam N. Steinman
(November 24, 2008)
On Jurisdictional Elephants and Kangaroo Courts, Stephen I. Vladeck
(October 20, 2008)
Jurisdiction, Merits, and Procedure: Thoughts on Dodson's Trichotomy, Howard M. Wasserman
(February 18, 2008)
What Twombly and Mead Have in Common, Amy J. Wildermuth
(April 21, 2008)
Finding a Happy and Ethical Medium Between a Prosecutor Who Believes the Defendant Didn't Do It and the Boss Who Says That He Did, Melanie D. Wilson
(August 25, 2008)
Is Military Law Relevant to the "Evolving Standards of Decency" Embodied in the Eighth Amendment?, Corey Rayburn Yung
(September 29, 2008)
Submissions from 2007
Massachusetts v. EPA Heats Up Climate Policy No Less Than Administrative Law: A Comment on Professors Watts and Wildermuth, Jonathan H. Adler
(July 23, 2007)
Mandatory Pro Bono and Private Attorneys General, Samuel R. Bagenstos
(April 16, 2007)
Selecting the President: A Bad Idea Out There in California, Robert W. Bennett
(October 1, 2007)
Pleading Standards Should Not Change After Bell Atlantic v. Twombly, Keith Bradley
(November 19, 2007)
The Greening of Harry Blackmun, Stephen B. Burbank
(March 26, 2007)
Nonjurisdictionality or Inequity, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
(September 17, 2007)
Coming Clean About "Junk DNA", Simon A. Cole
(November 5, 2007)
Is the “Junk” DNA Designation Bunk?, Simon A. Cole
(September 4, 2007)
Why The Blight Distinction in Post-Kelo Reform Does Matter, David A. Dana
(July 9, 2007)
Jurisdictionality and Bowles v. Russell, Scott Dodson
(August 6, 2007)
Ideological Drift Among Supreme Court Justices: Who, When, and How Important?, Lee Epstein, Andrew Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jeffrey Segal
(March 19, 2007)
The Use and Limits of Martin-Quinn Scores to Assess Supreme Court Justices, with Special Attention to the Problem of Ideological Drift, Wade Farnswarth
(April 2, 2007)
Taking the Legislative Temperature: Which Federal Climate Change Legislative Proposal Is "Best"?, Victor B. Flatt
(December 3, 2007)
Taking the Legislative Temperature: Which Federal Climate Change Legislative Proposal is “Best”? (Part II), Victor B. Flatt
(December 17, 2007)
Justices Who Change: A Reply to Epstein et al., Linda Greenhouse
(March 19, 2007)
"Ingenious Argument" or a Serious Constitutional Problem? A Comment on Professor Epstein's Paper, Philip Hamburger
(October 29, 2007)
Please, Let’s Bury the Junk: The CODIS Loci and the Revelation of Private Information, D.H. Kaye
(September 24, 2007)
There Is Nothing Pragmatic About Originalism, David S. Law and David McGowan
(October 15, 2007)
There Is Nothing Pragmatic About Originalism, David S. Law and David McGowan
(October 22, 2007)
Volition and Voltaire: A Response to Professor Bagenstos, Tom Lininger
(April 23, 2007)
Originalism and Supermajoritarianism: Defending the Nexus, John O. McGinnis and Michael B. Rappaport
(June 25, 2007)
What Tool Works Tells Us About Tailoring Patent Misuse Remedies, David McGowan
(May 21, 2007)
Is Dick Cheney Unconstitutional?, Glenn Harlan Reynolds
(November 12, 2007)
Is Post-Kelo Reform Bad for the Poor?, Ilya Somin
(May 7, 2007)
Memo to the President (and his opponents): Ideology Still Counts, David A. Strauss
(August 20, 2007)
Massachusetts v. EPA: Breaking New Ground on Issues Other Than Global Warming, Kathryn A. Watts and Amy J. Wildermuth
(June 4, 2007)
Massachusetts v. EPA: Breaking New Ground on Issues Other Than Global Warming (Part II), Kathryn A. Watts and Amy J. Wildermuth
(June 11, 2007)
Submissions from 2006
Science Fiction and Shed DNA, D. H. Kaye
(December 21, 2006)