Volume 17, Issue 1 (1997) Winter
Reconciling U.S. Disclosure Policy with International Accounting and Disclosure Standards
David S. Ruder
IOSCO: Its Mission and Achievement
A.A. Jr. Sommer
U.S. Legal Considerations Affecting Global Offerings of Shares in Foreign Companies
Daniel A. Braverman
The Absence of Cross-Cultural Communication: SEC Mandatory Disclosure and Foreign Corporate Governance
James A. Fanto
The Dangerous Extraterritoriality of American Securities Law
Stephen J. Choi and Andrew T. Guzman
Toward a Comparative Analysis of Institutions for International Economic Integration
Joel P. Trachtman
Networks in International Economic Integration: Fragmented States and the Dilemmas of Neo-Liberalism
Sol Picciotto
New Players for the Old Tobacco Game: the Czech Republic and Romania; It's Time to Change the Rules
Susan Meyer
Gunboat Diplomacy in the Northwest Atlantic: The 1995 Canada-EU Fishing Dispute and the United Nations Agreement on Straddling and High Migratory Fish Stocks
Derrick M. Kedziora
European Constitutionalism and Its Discontents
J.H.H. Weiler and Joel P. Trachtman
Constitutionalism and International Organizations
Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
The Theory of the Firm and the Theory of the International Economic Organization: Toward Comparative Institutional Analysis
Joel P. Trachtman
Direct Effect of International Economic Law in the United States and the European Union
Ronald A. Brand
The Role of Consensus in GATT/WTO Decision-making
Mary E. Footer
Science and International Regulatory Convergence
Jeffery Atik
"Trade and": Recent Developments in Trade Policy and Scholarship - And Their Surprising Political Implications
Jeffrey L. Dunoff
Dispute Resolution as a Catalyst for Economic Integration and an Agent for Deepening Integration: NAFTA and MERCOSUR?
Cherie O'Neal Taylor
Foundation-Building for Western Hemispheric Integration
Frederick M. Abbott