Volume 16, Issue 1 (1995) Fall
Preface: Latin American Debt in the 1990s: A New Scenario for Creditors and Debtors
Lee C. Buchheit and Ralph Reisner
Latin American Debt Obligations in the 1990s: Risk Strategies: Remedies and Judicial Enforcement
Lee C. Buchheit, Emilio Cardenas, Antonio Mendes, and Thomas Heather
Cross-Border Lending: What's Different this Time
Lee C. Buchheit
Towards a Sovereign Debt Work-out System;
Rory Macmillan
Book Review
Mexico's Banks after the December 1994 Devaluation--A Chronology of the Government's Response
Roy A. Karaoglan and Mike Lubrano
Restructuring Strategies for Mexican Eurobond Debt
Duncan N. Darrow, Peter V. Darrow, Douglas A. Doetsch, and Miguel Jauregui-Rojas