Volume 87, Issue 1 (1996)
Criminal Law
Toward the Decentralization of Criminal Procedure: State Constitutional Law and Selective Disincorporation
Barry Latzer
The Proportionality Review of Capital Cases By State High Courts after Gregg: Only The Appearance of Justice
Leigh B. Bienen
Deterrence and the Death Penalty: The Views of the Experts
Michael L. Radelet and Ronald L. Akers
Juror Reactions to Attorneys at Trial
Shari Seidman Diamond, Jonathan D. Casper, Cami L. Heiert, and Anna-Maria Marshall
Decision-Making in Criminal Defense: An Empirical Study of Insanity Pleas and the Impact of Doubted Client Competence
Richard J. Bonnie, Norman G. Poythress, Steven K. Hoge, and John Monahan