Volume 49, Issue 2 (1958)
Teaching of Comparative Law in the Course on Criminal Law, The
Gerhard O. W. Mueller
Sane and Insane Homicide
T. C. N. Gibbens
Perceived Parental Attitudes and Predelinquency
Jacob Chwast
Research Interviewing in Prison
Donald J. Newman
Marital Relationships of Prisoners in Twenty-Eight Countries
Ruth Shonle Cavan and Eugene S. Zemans
Program of Group Therapy with Incarcerated Narcotic Addicts, A
Vin Rosenthal and Edmund Shimberg
Criminal Law
Selective Distribution of Police Patrol Force: History, Current Practices, Recommendations
Frank E. Walton
The Arson Investigator and Technical Aids
Glenn D. Bennett
The Mobility of Chiefs of Police
Walter A. Lunden
Correctional Psychology for Law Enforcement Officers
J. G. Caughley