Content Posted in 2024
Abolition of What?, Christopher Lewis and Adaner Usmani
Abortion and the Extremism of Bright Line Rules, Teneille R. Brown
Abuse of Dominance in Tech: Comparative Analysis of Margin Squeeze Claims Against U.S., EU, and Korean Telecommunications Firms, Alex Hyojung Roh
Access to Justice as Access to Data, Tanina Rostain
Accommodating Incompetency in Immigration Court, Elizabeth Jordan
A Denial of Personhood: Why Hate Crime Legislation is Necessary to Assure Proportionality in Punishment, Clare Godfryd
A Feedback Loop of Exclusion: The Treatment of Bilingualism in the Courtroom, Simone Stover
Against the Skin (in Bondage), Hayley Labrum Morrison
A Legal Scholarship Jubilee, Brian L. Frye
“All They Did Was Change the Name”: Evaluating Reforms to Solitary Confinement, Laura McFeely
American Legal Realism Today: An Idiosyncratic Restatement, Mark Tushnet
An Introduction to American Legal Realism, Noah Hornberger
An Old-Fashioned Bluebook Burning, Paul Gowder
Applying Movement Lawyering Principles to the Redistricting Movement, Lavanya Prabhakar
A Puerto Rico for Whom? Race, Neglect, and Empire, Ediberto Román and Ernesto Sagás
Are They All Textualists Now?, Austin Peters
Attributing AI Authorship: Towards a System of Icons for Legal and Ethical Disclosure, Joseph J. Avery, Patricia Sánchez Abril, and Alissa del Riego
Balancing Judicial Deference Under the State Secrets Privilege: A Comparative Statutory Approach, Ryan Dondzik
Between Copyright and Computer Science: The Law and Ethics of Generative AI, Devin R. Desai and Mark Riedl
Beyond Bars: Exploring Alternative Possibilities to Address Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Rachel Ensign Habliston
Can Utility Doctrine Resurrect the Genus Claim?, Norman Siebrasse
China Data Flows and Power in the Era of Chinese Big Tech, W. Gregory Voss and Emmanuel Pernot-Leplay
Constitutional Clash: Labor, Capital, and Democracy, Kate Andrias
Criminal Juror Challenges and CSLI: A Rule 16 Revision to Maintain Impartial Juries, Ivy Kaplan
Cy Pres Silliness: Remedies that Do Not Remediate the Harm, Phil Pillari
Data Is What Data Does: Regulating Based on Harm and Risk Instead of Sensitive Data, Daniel J. Solove
Data Privacy in Carceral Settings: The Digital Panopticon Returns to Its Roots, Stephen Raher
Defense Lawyer Decision-Making and the Preliminary Hearing, Michael D. Cicchini
Disclosure Effects in Influencer Marketing: Implications for Courts, Regulators, and Marketers, Gerlinde Berger-Walliser, Stefan J. Hock, and Bjorn WALLISER
Dismantling the Dogma of DOT: A Human Rights-Based Review of Directly Observed Therapy for Tuberculosis, Brian Citro, Dr. Jennifer Furin, Rhea Lobo, Ingrid Schoeman, Timur Abdullaev, and James Malar
Does a Lawyer Make a Difference? A Study on the Sentencing of Death-Eligible Drug Offenders in China, Michelle Miao
Do Patents Drive Investment in Software?, James Hicks
Earned Wage Access: A Loan by Any Other Name?, Matthew Johnson
Emerging Technology's Unfamiliarity with Commercial Law, Carla L. Reyes
ESG, Geopolitics, and Human Rights in Disputed Territories, Galia Rivlin
Excessive Force in Prison, Sharon Dolovich
Extraterritorial State Criminal Law, Post-Dobbs, Darryl K. Brown
Fair Notice and Criminalizing Abortions, Brian G. Slocum and Nadia Banteka
Fair Use, Licensing, and Authors' Rights in the Age of Generative AI, Celeste Shen
Felony Disenfranchisement and Voter Turnout: Randomized Trials in Iowa and Washington, Alexander Billy, J.J. Naddeo, and Neel U. Sukhatme
Forbidden Purposes: A New Path for Limiting Criminalization, Raff Donelson
Foreword, Caroline Faye Radell and Udhanth Mallasani
Foreword, David L. Schwartz and Kat M. Albrecht
Fraud on the Social Media Market, Sue S. Guan
From Russia with Love: Dmitry Karshtedt's Path to Patents, Andrew W. Torrance
From Within: The Influence of Domestic Non-State Actors on China’s International Legal Policies, Chaoyi Jiang and Li Chen
Future Market Blueprints: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in a World Wired for Wonder, David Temprano
"Guarding the Sanctity of Choice and Privacy": Data Privacy and Abortion–The Next Frontier of the Fourth Amendment, Ryan S. Houser
Humanizing The Mexican Migrant, April Guevara Espinoza
Human Rights Without Borders, Christian Gonzalez Chacon
Hung Out to Try: A Rule 29 Revision to Stop Hung Jury Retrials, Elijah N. Gelman
Incarcerated Workers Will Be Heard: Protecting the Right to Unionize Prisoners Through Dignity, Samuel Richter
Innovating Preemption or Preempting Innovation?, David A. Simon, Carmel Shachar, and I. Glenn Cohen
Innovator, Scholar, Friend: Remembering Dmitry Karshtedt, Laura Pedraza-Fariña and David L. Schwartz
“I Saw Guns and Sharp Swords in the Hands of Young Children”: Why Mental Health Courts for Juveniles with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum/Disorder Are Needed, Michael Perlin, Heather Cucolo, and Deborah Dorfman
I Want a New (Generic) Drug: A Comparative Case for Shifting U.S. Generic Drug Policies to Increase Availability and Lower Healthcare Costs, Immer S. Chriswell
Law in Inaction: The Origins and Implications of Chronic Drug Law Underenforcement in One Southern County, Kay L. Levine, Elizabeth Griffiths, Joshua M. Hinkle, and Volkan Topalli
Lawyerless Litigants, Filing Fees, Transaction Costs, and the Federal Courts: Learning from SCALES, Judith Resnik, Henry Wu, Jenn Dikler, David T. Wong, Romina Lilollari, Claire Stobb, Elizabeth Beling, Avital Fried, Anna Selbrede, Jack Sollows, Mikael Tessema, and Julia Udell
Learning Law in Elementary and High School: Innovating Civics Education for a More Empowered Citizenry, Ariel Liberman and Michael Broyde
"Legally Magic" Words: An Empirical Study of the Accessibility of Fifth Amendment Rights, Roseanna Sommers and Kate Weisburd
Majority Rules, Andrew Verstein
Nonobviousness and Unmotivated, Yet Minor, Inventions, Christopher A. Cotropia
Non-State Actors for Profit: Revisiting Transnational Corporations' Personhood and Responsibility under International Law, Katayoon Beshkardana and Faraz Shahlaei
Obstructing Precedent, Bill Watson
On "Vague Latin Phrases" and Criminal Confessions: Corpus Delicti, Trustworthiness and Corroboration, and the Federal Rules of Evidence, Honorable Samuel A. Thumma and Roger E. Brodman
Partisanship Creep, Katherine Shaw
Past, Prologue, and Constitutional Limits on Criminal Penalties, Maria Hawilo and Laura Nirider
Play and Adverse Possession, Norman P. Ho
Police Diversity Theory, Trevor George Gardner
Preliminary Injunctions Prevail Through the Winter of Buckhannon, Kaitlan Donahue
Privatization and Flawed Punishment: An Economic Analysis and Critique of Private Prisons in the United States and United Kingdom, Gabriella A. Badmus
Prosecutorial Data Transparency and Data Justice, Caitlin Glass, Kat M. Albrecht, and Perry Moriearty
Protecting Humanity's Cradle of Civilization: Advancing the Right to Self-Determination for Indigenous Peoples in the Middle East & South Caucasus, Lisabelle Panossian
Racial Targets, Atinuke O. Adediran
Regulating Chatbot Output via Inter-Informational Competition, Jiawei Zhang
Remembering Dr. Dmitry Karshtedt as a Scholar and Friend, J. Jonas Anderson, Sean B. Seymore, and Timothy R. Holbrook
Reproductive Rights and Felony Disenfranchisement: The New Frontier of an Old Voter Suppression Tactic, Jessie Rubini
Resurrection, Bassim Al Shaker
Rethinking the Balance of Interests in Non-Exculpatory Defenses, Paul H. Robinson, Jeffrey Seaman, and Muhammad Sarahne
Rethinking the "No-Duty" Rule: How DeShaney Can Be Reformed to Enable Objective, Coherent Analysis and Protection for More Victims of Crime, Annaliese Brellis
Rising Temperatures, the Prison Litigation Reform Act, and the Heat Death of Human Dignity in Texas Prisons, Brianne Wylie
Rubbing Salt into the Wound: Environmental Injustices in Prisons and the Difficulties of Obtaining Relief, Savannah Markel
Sacred Victims: Fifty Years of Data on Victim Race and Sex as Predictors of Execution, Scott Phillips, Justin F. Marceau, Sam Kamin, and Nicole King
Science Fiction and Shed DNA, D. H. Kaye
Self-Evident: Why the Declaration of Independence is America’s True Constitution, Chelsea H. Blake
Sensitive Inferences in Targeted Advertising, Sarita Schoenebeck, Cami Goray, Amulya Vadapalli, and Nazanin Andalibi
Sentence Served and No Place to Go: An Eighth Amendment Analysis of "Dead Time" Incarceration, Christopher B. Scheren
Settlement as Construct: Defining and Counting Party Resolution in Federal District Court, Charlotte S. Alexander, Nathan Dahlberg, and Anne M. Tucker
Silent Today, Conversant Tomorrow: Education Adequacy as a Political Question, Yeju Hwang
Staying a Jane Doe Post Dobbs and Roe: The Risk Modern Technology Poses with Archaic Abortion Restrictions, Grace E. Marino
Taxation's Limits, Luís C. Calderón Gómez
The Anti-Racist Imperative of Infancy, Laura Cohen
The Brady Database, Brandon L. Garrett, Adam M. Gershowitz, and Jennifer Teitcher
The Business Judgment Rule in Stakeholder Capitalism, Thiago Spercel
"The Clearest Proof": Constitutional Concerns Surrounding the Illinois Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act, Ethan Solomon
The European Union's New USB-C Standardization Amendment: What Does it Mean for Innovation Within the Consumer Technology Industry?, Adrien Fourneaux
The False Choice Between Digital Regulation and Innovation, Anu Bradford
The Goldilocks Dilemma in Terminating Treaties: The Case Study of Brexit and Trade, Catherine Fabiano
The More Things Change: In Memory of Dmitry Karshtedt, Liza Vertinsky
The Off-Grid Revolution and the "Promise" of Energy Equality Under the Paris Climate Change Agreement, ILIAS BANTEKAS
The Politics of Possession and Gun Violence: The Bruen Decision's Impact on Firearm Regulation, Jacob Butler
The Promise and Perils of Tech Whistleblowing, Hannah Bloch-Wehba
The Promise of Lived Experience: Assessing Race and Merit After SFFA, Taonga Leslie and Claire Comey
The Rule of Lenity as a Disruptor, Maciej Hulicki and Melanie M. Reid
The SCALES Project: Making Federal Court Records Free, David L. Schwartz, Kat M. Albrecht, Adam R. Pah, Christopher A. Cotropia, Amy Kristin Sanders, Sarath Sanga, Charlotte S. Alexander, Luís A.N. Amaral, Zachary D. Clopton, Anne M. Tucker, Thomas W. Gaylord, Scott G. Daniel, and Nathan Dahlberg
The SEC as an Entrepreneurial Enforcer, James J. Park
The Second Founding and Self-Incrimination, William M. Carter Jr.
The Supreme Court and Children, Aaron Tang
The Unwritten Norms of Civil Procedure, Diego A. Zambrano
The Vatican Observatory / Searching for God, Juan José Cielo
Toward Accessing HIV-Preventative Medication in Prisons, Scott Shimizu
Train or Restrain? Using International Perspectives to Inform the American Fair Use Analysis of Copyright in Generative Artificial Intelligence Training, Serena Lightstone
Viajeros (Voyagers), Juan José Cielo
What If Criminal Lawmaking Becomes Trustworthy?, Zachary S. Price
What's in a Name? Common Carriage, Social Media, and the First Amendment, Christopher S. Yoo
When the Ant Gets Too Big: Understanding China’s Financial Regulation Through the Suspension of Ant Group’s IPO, Cherie Zhang
Whither the Monograph?: Changes to the ABA Standards on Library and Information Resources and Their Unintended Consequences for Legal Scholarship, Nicholas Mignanelli
Worthless Checks? Clemency, Compassionate Release, and the Finality of Life Without Parole, Daniel Pascoe
Zero-Option Defendants: United States v. McLellan and the Judiciary's Role in Protecting the Right to Compulsory Process, Wisdom U. Onwuchekwa-Banogu