Content Posted in 2013
Deportation and Driving: Felony DUI and Reckless Driving as Crimes of Violence following Leocal v. Ashcroft, Maria-Teresa Davenport
Depression Stew, The , Louis A. Schwartz
Deprivation of Privacy As a Functional Prerequisite: The Case of the Prison, Barry Schwartz
Deregulation of the Liner Conference System: The Creation of Countervailing Power in Shippers as a Means to Control Oligopoly Market Power, Andrew M. Danas
Derivatives and Risk Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities, Susan M. Phillips
Dermo-Nitrate Test in Cuba, Israel Castellanos
Desert and White-Collar Criminality: A Response to Dr. Braithwaite, Andrew Von Hirsch
Desert, Democracy, and Sentencing Reform, Alice Ristroph
Designing an FCPA Compliance Program: Minimizing the Risks of Improper Foreign Payments, Daniel L. Goelzer
Designing More Effective Laws Against Human Trafficking, Siddharth Kara
Desistance and the Feared Self: Toward an Identity Theory of Criminal Desistance, Ray Paternoster and Shawn Bushway
Destructive and Self-Destructive Trends in Criminalized Society: A Study of Totalitarianism, Leo Alexander
Details Reproduced by Metal Casting, Lauren J. Goin
Detection and Identification of Ibogaine and Heroin , Vincent T. Sullivan, Bernard Newman, and Arnold Dihrberg
Detection of Carbon Monoxide Hemoglobin During Routine Blood Alcohol Analyses , Charles A. Davis
Detection of Deception Bibliography: A Bibliography of Material Which Has Appeared in the American Journal of Police Science, Joseph W. Harney
Detection of Deception Technique Admitted as Evidence, Fred E. Inbau
Detection of Forgery, Ordway Hilton
Detection of the Potential Criminal , A. Warren Stearns
Detection of Traces of Combustible Fluids in Arson Cases, David Q. Burd
Detective versus the Psychopath, Frederic J. Farnell
Determinants of Judicial Waiver Decisions for Violent Juvenile Offenders, Jeffrey Fagan and Elizabeth Piper Deschenes
Determinants of Sex Delinquency in Adolescent Girls Based on Intentions Studies of 500 Cases , Anne T. Bingham
Determination of Firing Distance in Cases Involving Shooting Through Glass, Mohan Jauhari
Determining Tendencies, Theodora LeH. Smith
Determining the Reasonable Length of a Terry Stop--Fourth Amendment: United States v. Sharpe, 105 S. Ct. 1568 (1985), David J. Kulowiec
Determinism and Criminal Law, Jos Andenaes
Deterministic View of Criminal Responsibility, A , Willard Waller
Deterrence and Deviance: The Example of Cannabis Prohibition, Patricia G. Erickson
Deterrence and the Death Penalty: A Reconsideration , Hugo Adam Bedau
Deterrence and the Death Penalty: A Temporal Cross-Sectional Approach, Stephen J. Knorr
Deterrence and the Death Penalty: The Views of the Experts, Michael L. Radelet and Ronald L. Akers
Deterrence Concept in Criminology and Law, The , John C. Ball
Deterrence in a Sea of Just Deserts: Are Utilitarian Goals Achievable in a World of Limiting Retributivism, Matthew Haist
Detroit's New Model Criminal Court, Herbert Harley
Detroit Succeeds under a New Organization, Pliny W. Marsh
Developing Community Understanding of Probation and Parole Work, J. O. Reinemann
Developmental Trajectories of Legal Socialization among Serious Adolescent Offenders, Alex R. Piquero, Jeffrey Fagan, Edward P. Mulvey, and Laurence Steinberg
Development and Needs of Probation Service, The , Charles L. Chute
Development and Present Trend of Police Radio Communications, Joseph A. Poli
Development in International Energy Law, David Van Zandt
Development of California's Standardized Two Year College Police Curriculum , Jack McArthur
Development of Crime in Early English Society, The , Clarence Ray Jeffery
Development of Inquisitorial and Accusatorial Elements in French Procedure, Morris Ploscowe
Development of Latent Fingerprints on Greasy Surfaces, Rinaldo F. Palla and Leonard F. Wiebe
Development of Latent Finger-Prints on Paper, M. Edwin O'Neill
Development of North Korea's Legal Regime Governing Foreign Business Cooperation: A Revisit under the New Socialist Constitution of 1998 , Eric Yong-Joong Lee
Development of Psychoses in Prison, The , Walter B. Martin
Development of the Administration of Criminal Justice in Germany, Franz Exner
Development of the Penal Law in the Netherlands, W. A. Bonger
Development of the Systems of Control of Convict Labor in the United States, E. T. Hiller
Developments in Criminal Law and Criminology in Post-War Britain, Hermann Mannheim
Deviance, Risk, and Law: Reflections on the Demand for the Preventive Detention of Suspected Terrorists, Joseph Margulies
Deviant Behavior in Capitalist Society-The Soviet Image, Walter D. Connor
Deviation and the Criminal Law, Donald J. Cantor
Diagnosis of Degeneracy from Conditions Revealed by a Field Study of Green Lake County Wisconsin, Herbert Whitehouse
Diagnosis of Explosions , Augustus H. Gill
Differences in Punitiveness Across Three Cultures: A Test of American Exceptionalism in Justice Attitudes, Matthew B. Kugler, Friederike Funk, Judith Braun, Mario Gollwitzer, Aaron C. Kay, and John M. Darley
Differential Association Theory and Compulsive Crimes, The , Donald R. Cressey
Differential Distribution of Diatom Flora in a Fresh Water Lake and its Forensic Application, R. Y. P. Bhatia, S. Raghavan, and K. V. S. Rao
Differential Processing of Abnormal Sex Offenders: Utilization of California's Mentally Disordered Sex Offender Program, George E. Dix
Differential Sentencing Patterns among Felony Sex Offenders and Non-Sex Offenders, Anthony Walsh
Differentiation of Blue Ballpoint Pen Inks, David A. Crown, James V. P. Conway, and Paul L. Kirk
Digest of Laws Establishing Reformatories for Women in the United States, Helen Worthington Rogers
Digest of Laws Establishing Reformatories for Women in the United states , Helen Worthington Rogers
Digest of Papers on Probation , Charles L. Chute
Dilemma of Seeking Bail and Preparing a Defense in Murder Cases: Perspectives and Practices of Chicago Defense Lawyers, The , J. A. Gilboy
Dinner, Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
Direct Appeals from Three-Judge Courts: MTM, Inc. v. Baxley, 420 U.S. 799 (1976)
Direct Effect of International Economic Law in the United States and the European Union, Ronald A. Brand
Direct Foreign Investment in the Caribbean: A Legal and Policy Analysis, Lewis D. Solomon and David H. Mirsky
Director of a Nazi Prison Speaks Out, Clara Leiser
Disaggregation in Deterrence and Death Penalty Research: The Case of Murder in Chicago, William C. Bailey
Disciplinary Phase, The , Ray L. Huff
Disclosure of Federal Grand Jury Material, Kathleen Polk
Disclosure to the Guilty Pleading Defendant: Brady v. Maryland and the Brady Trilogy, Lee Sheppard
Discovery in the Criminal Process, Jerry E. Norton
Discretionary Power and Procedural Rights in the Granting and Revoking of Probation , Joel Bassett
Discussion, Herbert Harley
Discussion of the Sequence of Fluid Ink and Intersecting Paper Folds, Perforations, Tears, and Cut Edges, Paul A. Osborn
Disease and Crime, L. L. Stanley
Disguised Handwriting, John J. Harris
Dismissal of Police Officers for Exercising Privilege against Self Incrimination, Dale Ellsworth Sherrow
Dismissal with or without Prejudice under the Speedy Trial Act: A Proposed Interpretation, Marc I. Steinberg
Disparities in Postconviction Remedies for Those Who Plead Guilty and Those Convicted at Trial: A Survey of State Statutes and Recommendations for Reform, Rebecca Stephens
Disposition of the Insane Defendant after Acquittal--The Long Road from Commitment to Release, Robert Greenwald
Disposition Tribunal, Nathaniel Cantor
Dispute Recognition and Dispute Settlement in Integration Processes: The COMESA Experience, P. Kenneth Kiplagat
Dispute Resolution as a Catalyst for Economic Integration and an Agent for Deepening Integration: NAFTA and MERCOSUR?, Cherie O'Neal Taylor
Disregard of Scientific Proof by Juries, Manly Mumford
Dissent from the United States Sentencing Commission's Proposed Guidelines, Paul H. Robinson
Distinction between Conflict and Radical Criminology, Thomas J. Bernard
Distribution of Criminal Offenses in Metropolitan Regions, Stuart Lottier
Distribution of Criminal Offenses in Sectional Regions, Stuart Lottier
Distribution of the Feeble-Minded in Society, F. Kuhlmann
District Attorney's Hardest Task, Orvill C. Snyder
Diversion and Accelerated Social Control, Thomas Blomberg
Diversion of Church Funds to Personal Use: State, Federal and Private Sanctions, Barry W. Taylor
Docile Bodies--Chemical Restraints and the Female Inmate, Kathleen Auerhahn and Elizabeth Dermody Leonard
Do Criminal Offenders Have a Constitutional Right to Rehabilitation, Edgardo Rotman
Doctrinal Doldrums: The Supreme Court 1976 Term Criminal Law Decisions, B. J. Jr. George
Doctrine of Waiver as Applied to Grand Jury Subpoenas, Michael A. Reiter
Documentary Evidence Involved in an Election Dispute, Katherine Applegate Keeler
Document Examination Abroad , Clark Sellers
Document Examiner Aids the Arson Investigation, The , Donald Doud and Ordway Hilton
Does Exposure to International Trade Justify Relaxed Antitrust Treatment of Mergers, William James Adams
Does Immunity Granted Really Equal Immunity Received, Ryan McLennan
Does Research with Children Violate the Best Interests Standard? An Empirical and Conceptual Analysis, Seema Shah
Does Russia Need a Securities Law?, Greg Lumelsky
Does Where You Live Determine What You Get a Case Study of Misdemeanant Sentencing, Thomas L. Austin
Do Executions Lower Homicide Rates: The Views of Leading Criminologists', Michael L. Radelet and Traci L. Lacock
Do Experience Tables Matter, Peter B. Hoffman and Harvey M. Goldstein
Dogs in War, Police Work and on Patrol, Charles F. Sloane
Doing Away with God and Other Religious Terminology , Robert H. Gault
Doing Business under Canadian Environmental Law, Jeffrey C. Bates, Gregory A. Bibler, and David S. Blackmar
Domestic Drug Interdiction Operations: Finding the Balance, Sandra Guerra
Domestic Violence and Mandatory Arrest Laws: To What Extent Do They Influence Police Arrest Decisions, David Hirschel, Eve Buzawa, April Pattavina, and Don Faggiani
Dom Jean Mabillon--A Prison Reformer of the Seventeenth Century , Thorsten Sellin
Do-Not-Track as Default, Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Don't Accept Rides from Strangers: The Supreme Court Hastens the Demise of Passenger Privacy in American Automobiles, Daniel J. Hewitt
Don't I know You From Somewhere: Why Due Process Should Bar Judges from Presiding over Cases When They Have Previously Prosectued the Defendant, Peter M. Friedman
Don't Tread on Me: Has the United States Government's Quest for Customer Records from UBS Sounded the Death Knell for Swiss Bank Secrecy Laws, Bradley J. Bondi
Dope Fiend Mythology, A. R. Lindesimth
Do Problem Children Become Delinquents and Criminals, Nathan Bodin
Dostoevsky's Doctrine of Criminal Responsibility, Paul C. Squires
Dostoevsky's Raskolnikov: The Criminalistic Protest, Paul Chatham Squires
Double Jeopardy and Conspiracy in the Federal Courts, Gordon Ireland
Double Jeopardy and Due Process, Barry Siegal
Double Jeopardy--Ashe v. Swenson, 397 U.S. 436 (1970)
Double Jeopardy Clause and Successive State Prosecutions: If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again, The--Fifth Amendment: Heath v. Alabama, 106 S. Ct. 433 (1985), Sean Richard Berry
Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment--The Supreme Court's Cursory Treatment of Underlying Conduct in Successive Prosecutions, Anthony J. Donofrio
Double Jeopardy--Juvenile Law: Breed v. Jones, 421 U.S. 519 (1975)
Double Jeopardy Protection from Civil Sanctions after Hudson v. United States, Lisa Melenyzer
Dragging Their Devotion: The Role of International Law in Major League Baseball's Dominican Affairs, Vanessa Marie Zimmer
Dretke v. Haley and the Still Unknown Limits of the Actual Innocence Exception, Eric Seinsheimer
Dr. Gault Retires as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal
Drinking Driver Enforcement Problems, Lowell W. Bradford
Driver Looks at Traffic Enforcement, John J. Bowen
Driver Race, Ethnicity, and Gender and Citizen Reports of Vehicle Searches by Police and Vehicle Search Hits: Toward a Triangulated Scholarly Understanding, Richard J. Lundman
Driving While Black and All Other Traffic Offenses: The Supreme Court and Pretextual Traffic Stops, David A. Harris
Dr. Robert H. Gault's Fortieth Anniversary as Journal Editor
Drug Addictions, L. L. Stanley
Drug Court Model as a Response to Broken Windows Criminal Justice for the Homeless Mentally Ill, Jennifer Hodulik
Drug Courts and the De Facto Legalization of Drug Use for Participants in Residential Treatment Facilities, Andrew Armstrong
Drug Peddling, Addiction, and Criminalism , Mary D. Bailey
Drugs and Crime, Francis Fisher Kane
Drugs and Crime, L. L. Stanley
Drugs and Crime, Albert J. Weber
Drugs and Crime, Francis Fisher Kane
Drugs and Crime, Albert J. Weber
Drunkenness As a Criminal Offense, Jerome Hall
Dual Personality in Handwriting, Webster A. Melcher
Duel in Early Upper Canada, William Renwick Riddell
Due Process and Criminal Penalties under Rule 10b-5: The Unconsitutionality and Inefficiency of Criminal Prosecutions for Insider Trading, Daniel J. Bacastow
Due Process for All--Due Process, the Eighth Amendment and Nazi War Criminals, Theresa M. Beiner
Due Process in Summary Contempt Cases, R. Klugman
Due Process May Require Inspection of Confession
Due Process Methodology in the Postincorporation World, John E. Nowak
Due Process of Law in Criminal Cases, George Edwards
Due Process Rights at Sentencing--Fifth Amendment: McMillan v. Pennsylvania, 106 S. Ct. 2411 (1986), Anthony J. Dennis
Due Process: Wolff v. McDonnell, 418 U.S. 539 (1974)
Dumping of Non-Factor Services: Some Implications of Recent Experiences with Controlled-Economy Shipping, John A. Zerby, Robert A. Ellsworth, and Austin L. Schmitt
Duplicative Statutes, Prosecutorial Discretion, and the Illinois Armed Violence Statute, Martin H. Tish
Duress and the Underlying Felony, Russell Shankland
Dutch Prison System, The , N. S. Timasheff
Duties of the Asylum State Under the Uniform Criminal Extradition Act, P. Warren Green
Early Days of the Maine State Prison at Thomaston, Negley K. Teeters
Early Detection of Future Delinquents, Sheldon and Eleanor T. Glueck
Early Release from Incarceration: Race As a Factor in the Use of Shock Probation, David M. Petersen and Paul C. Friday
Early Sexual Behavior of Lower-Class Delinquent Girls, John C. Ball and Nell Logan
Easing Concealed Firearms Laws: Effects on Homicide in Three States, David McDowall, Colin Loftin, and Brian Wiersema
ECCC in the Year 2011: Atrocity Crime Litigation Review for the Year 2011, Melissa Hindman, Victoria Jiha Lee, and Alice Lin
EC Merger Control in the 1990s: An Overview of the Draft Regulation, Frank L. Fine
Economic Analysis of the Deterrent Effect of Law Enforcement on Criminal Activity, An , Llad Phillips and Harold L. Jr. Votey
Economic and Trade Related Aspects of Transborder Data Flow: Elements of a Code for Transnational Commerce Perspectives , Ronald Wellington Brown
Economic Depression as a Factor in Rural Crime, Herbert A. Bloch
Economic Integration in the Americas: A Work in Progress, Kenneth W. Abbott and Gregory W. Bowman
Economic Status and Crime: Implications for Offender Rehabilitation, Thomas Orsagh and Dryden Witte
EC Reforms of Corporate Governance and Capital Markets Law: Do They Tackle Insiders' Opportunism?, Luca Enriques and Matteo Gatti
Educational Policy and the Police, V. A. Leonard
Education and Professional Law Enforcement , A. C. Germann
Education and Supervision of Mental Defectives, Byrd Arnold Smith
Education for Careers in Law Enforcement: An Analysis of Student Output 1964-1967, Charles L. Newman and Dorothy Sue Hunter
EEC Antidumping Law and Trade Policy after Ballbearings II: Discretionary Decisions Masquerading as Legal Process, James K. Lockett
EEG--Electroencephalography, Harold S. Hulbert
Effect in Philadelphia of Pennsylvania's Increased Penalties for Rape and Attempted Rape , Barry Schwartz
Effective Assistance of Counsel: A Defense Attorney's Right to Refuse Cooperation in Defendant's Perjured Testimony--Sixth Amendment: Nix v. Whiteside, 106 S. Ct. 988 (1986), David L. Jr. Beckman
Effective Dispute Resolution in United States-Japan Commercial Transactions Perspectives , Hoken S. Seki
Effective Law-Enforcement Techniques for Reducing Crime, John N. Gallo
Effectiveness of the Oath to Obtain a Witness' True Personal Opinion, The , Robert C. Sorensen
Effective Statistical Presentation for Police Administrators , John I. Griffin
Effect of Crime Severity on Perceptions of Fair Punishment: A California Case Study, The , William Samuel and Elizabeth Moulds
Effect of Social Environment Upon Former Felons, The , Dietrich C. Reitzes
Effect of Temperature Variations on the Determination of Specific Gravity of Glass Fragments, The , Joseph Beeman
Effect of the Age Structure of a Stationary Population on Crime Rates, The , Kyriakos S. Markides and George S. Tracy
Effect of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines on Interjudge Sentencing Disparity, Paul J. Hofer, Kevin R. Blackwell, and R. Barry Ruback
Effect of the War on the Reformative Probation and Suspended Sentence, Herbert C. Parsons
Effects of Intoxication on Handwriting, K. S. Puri
Effects of News of Crime and Scandal upon Public Opinion, The , Robert D. Highfill
Effects of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement on the Eqity Value of U.S. and Canadian Banks, Leonard Bierman, Donald R. Fraser, and Amanda Adkisson
Effects of Unemployment on White and Negro Prison Admissions in Louisiana , D. A. Dobbins and Bernard M. Bass
Efficacy of Prison Mental Tests As a Guide to Rehabilitation, The , Walter Webster Argow
Efficiency and Cost: The Impact of Videoconferenced Hearings on Bail Decisions, Shari Seidman Diamond, Locke E. Bowman, Manyee Wong, and Matthew M. Patton
Efficiency vs Reform in Prison Administration, Bryant Smith
Efficient Contracting between Foreign Investors and Host States: Evidence from Stabilization Clauses, Sam Foster Halabi
Efforts at Disguise in Typewritten Documents, Jean Gayet
Efforts to Abolish the Death Penalty in Illinois , James J. Barbour
Efforts to Apply the Federal Crime of Extortion to Labor-Related Violence, Laurence J. Cohen and Terry R. Yellig
Eight Amendment--Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Habitual Offender's Life Sentence without Parole is Disproportionate, Elizabeth M. Mills
Eight Amendment--Trial Court May Impose Death Sentence Despite Jury's Recommendation of Life Imprisonment, Jeffrey Alan Wellek
Eighth Amendment--A Significant Limit on Federal Court Activism in Ameliorating State Prison Conditions, Thomas J. Bamonte
Eighth Amendment--Capital Sentencing Instructions, J. Michael Brown
Eighth Amendment--Corporal Punishment
Eighth Amendment--Cruel and Unusual Punishment and Conditions Cases, Amy Newman
Eighth Amendment--Minors and the Death Penalty: Decision and Avoidance, Helene B. Greenwald
Eighth Amendment--Narrow Proportionality Requirement Preserves Deference to Legislative Judgment, Margaret R. Gibbs
Eighth Amendment--Pretrial Detention: What Will Become of the Innocent, Michael J. Eason
Eighth Amendment Proportionality Analysis and the Compelling Case of William Rummel, Charles Walter Schwartz
Eighth Amendment--Proportionality Review of Death Sentences Not Required, Manvin S. Mayell
Eighth Amendment--Sentencer Discretion in Capital Sentencing Schemes, Daryl Kessler
Eighth Amendment--The Constitutionality of the Alabama Capital Sentencing Scheme, Karin E. Garvey
Eighth Amendment--The Death Penalty, Phyllis A. Ewer
Eighth Amendment--The Death Penalty and the Mentally Retarded Criminal: Fairness, Culpability, and Death, Peter K.M. Chan
Eighth Amendment--The Death Penalty and Vicarious Felony Murder: Nontriggerman May Not Be Executed Absent a Finding of an Intent to Kill, John H. Wickert
Eighth Amendment--The Death Penalty for Juveniles: A State's Right or a Child's Injustice, Dominic J. Ricotta
Eighth Amendment--The Excessive Fines Clause, David Lieber
Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments--The Death Penalty Survives, Anderson E. Bynam
El Derecho A Amar (The Right to Love): Same-Sex Relationships in Spain and El Salvador, Anna C. Forgie
Electroencephalograph (EEG) as Evidence of Criminal Responsitility, Edwin C. Conrad
Electronic Data Interchange Agreements: Private Contracting Toward a Global Environment, Amelia H. Boss
Electronic Recording of Custodial Interrogations: Everybody Wins, Thomas P. Sullivan
Electron-Tube Rifling Depth Micrometer: For the Measurement of Individual Depth of Groove Impressions on Fired Bullets, C. M. Wilson
Element of Vengeance in Punishment, The , Arnold D. Margolin
Elements of Effective Expert Testimony, Donald Doud
Elements of Hearing in Revocation of Parole Proceedings, James William Belshaw
Eliminate the Grand Jury, William J. Campbell
Elizabethan Houses of Correction, Austin Van der Slice
Embezzlement: Pathological Basis, Svend H. Riemer
Emergency Circumstances, Police Responses, and Fourth Amendment Restrictions, John F. Decker
Emerging Economies After the Global Financial Crisis: the Case of Brazil, Enrique R. Carrasco and Sean Williams
Emerging Issues of Human Rights Responsibility in the Extractive and Manufacturing Industries: Patterns and Liability Risks, Caroline Kaeb
Emerging Unification of Conflict of Laws Rules Applicable to the International Sale of Goods: UNCITRAL and the New Hague Conference on Private International Law, Francis A. Gabor
Emerging WTO Competition Jurisprudence and its Possibilities for Future Development , Alberto Alvarez-Jimenez
Emotional Background of White Slavery: Toward the Psychogensis of So-Called Psychopathic Behavior, Benjamin Karpman
Emotional States and Illegal Acts, John R. Oliver
Employer Sanctions for Hiring Illegal Aliens: A Simplistic Solution to a Complex Problem, R. Paul Faxon
Employment and Compensation of Prisoners, Edwin M. Abbott
Employment and Compensation of Prisoners, Edwin M. Abbott
Employment and Compensation of Prisoners, William N. Gemmill
Employment Index, Arrests, Court Actions, and Commitments in Illinois, The , Ray Mars Simpson
End of the Line: An Empirical Study of Judicial Waiver, The , Marcy Rasmussen Podkopacz and Barry C. Feld
Enemies of Scoiety, Max Radin
Energy Policy: A Norwegian Perspective, Tore Tonne
Enforcement against Counterfeiting in the People's Republic of China, Daniel C.K. Chow
Enforcement of Arbitral Awards against Foreign States or State Agencies, S.I. Strong
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the United States, J. Stewart McClendon
Enforcement of Judgments in Mexico: The 1988 Rules of the Federal Code of Civil Procedure, Jorge A. Vargas
Enforcement of the Constitutional Right to a Speedy Trial, Arthur C. Gehr
Enforcement of the Criminal Laws of the United States in Time of War, Wendell Berge
Enforcing Environmental Human Rights: Selected Strategies of US NGOs, Jennifer Cassel
Enforcing U.S. Judgments in Canada: "Things are Looking Up!", Ivan F. Ivankovich
England Limits the Right to Silence and Moves towards an Inquisitorial System of Justice, Gregory W. O'Reilly
English Ecology and Criminology of the Past Century, Yale Levin and Alfred Lindesmith
English Prison Systm and What We Can Learn from It, Charles A. Ellwood
English Schools for Young Offenders, Norman S. Hayner
English View of the American Penal System, Evelyn Ruggles-Brise
Enhancing Sentences for Past Crimes of Violence: The Unlikely Intersection of Illegal Reentry and Sex Crimes, Abby Pringle
Enquiry into the Causes of Crime, Giorgio Florita
Enrico Ferri, Thorsten Sellin
Enrico Ferri and Criminal Sociology , Gaspare Nicotri
Entrapment--A Legal Limitation on Police Techniques, John B. Williams
Entrapment: Hampton v. United States, 425 U.S. 484 (1976)
Entrapment: United States v. Russell, 411 U.S. 423 (1973)
Environmental Crime and Punishment: Legal/Economic Theory and Empirical Evidence on Enforcement of Federal Environmental Statutes, Mark A. Cohen
Environmental Impact Statements in Belgium, Marc Boes
Environmental Regulation in Europe: Hazardous Waste and Contaminated Sites, Bradford S. Gentry
Epilepsy as Seen in the Laboratory of a Penal Institution, John R. Harding
Equality Under the Law , Michael J. Hindelang
Equal Treatment in the Enforcement of the Criminal Law: The Bazelon-Katzenbach Letters, Nicholas Katzenbach
Equipping Men for Professional Development in the Police Service: The Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Act of 1965, Paul M. Whisenand
Equitable Devices for Controlling Organized Vice, Jay Oliff
Equity and Amiralty: A Turbulet Path to Manifest Destiny, George P. II Smith
Equity and Discretionary Justice: The Influence of Race on Police Arrest Decisions, Douglas A. Smith, Christy A. Visher, and Laura A. Davidson
Erosion of Defendant's Right to an Impartial Jury and a Fundamentally Fair Trial--Sixth and Eighth Amemdments: Darden v. Wainwright, 106 S. Ct. 2464 (1986), Hillary L. Pettegrew
Escapes of Psychiatric Offenders, William R. Morrow
Escape Tactics of German War Prisoners, William E. Kirwan
Escobedo and Beyond: The Need for a Fourteenth Amendment Code of Criminal Procedure, Donald C. Dowling
Essential Differences between Sex Offenders, Friedrich Leppmann
Establishing American Trading Companies, Franklin A. Cole
Establishing Locus Standi under Article 173(2) of the EEC Treaty, Edward J. Tabaczyk
Establishment of Uniformity in Determining Punishments in Different Courts and Different Jurisdictions, Harry V. Osborne
Estimating Perceptual Stability and Deterrent Effects: The Role of Perceived Legal Punishment in the Inhibition of Criminal Involvement, Raymond Paternoster, Linda E. Saltzman, Gordon P. Waldo, and Theodore G. Chiricos
Estimating the Impact of Incarceration on Subsequent Offending Trajectories: Deterrent, Criminogenic, or Null Effect, Avinash Singh Bhati and Alex R. Piquero
Estimating the Speed of a Motor Vehicle in a Collision , Conrad K. Rizer
Estimation of Age from Bone Development--Observations on a Study of 307 Ceylonese School Children of the Ages 4-8 Years, G. Webster and G. S. W. De Saram
Estimation of Age from Bone Development--Observations on a Study of 567 Ceylonese School Children of the Ages 9-16 Years , G. Webster and G. S. W. De Saram
Estimation of Individual Crime Rates from Arrest Records, Alfred Blumstein and Jacqueline Cohen
Ethics and the Polygraph Examiner, Charles L. Yeschke
Ethics for Investigators, Arthur S. Jr. Aubry
Ethics in Police Service, Don L. Kooken
Ethics in Police Service, Don L. Kooken
Ethics Psychology and the Criminal Responsibility of the Insane, S. S. Glueck
Ethnic Differentials in Delinquency in Honolulu, Harwin L. Voss
E.U. Competition and Private Actions for Damages, The Symposium on European Competition Law , Georg Berrisch, Eve Jordan, and Rocio Salvador Roldan
Eugenics and Feeblemindedness, H. C. Stevens
Eugenics and the Criminal Law, Giulio Q. Battaglini
European Community Competition Law and Member State Action, John Temple Lang
European Community Compulsory Licensing Policy: Heresy versus Commen Sense Symposium on European Competition Law , Frank Fine
European Community Law and the Doctrine of Legitimate Expectations: How Legitimate, and for Whom, Eleanor Sharpston
European Constitutionalism and Its Discontents, J.H.H. Weiler and Joel P. Trachtman
European Harmonization of Data Protection Laws Threatens U.S. Participation in Trans Border Data Flow, George B. Trubow
European Police Systems, Raymond B. Fosdick
European Systems of State Indemnity for Errors of Criminal Justice, Edwin M. Borchard
European Views of United States Anti-Bribery and Anti-Boycott Legislation, E. Ernest Goldstein
E.U. State Aid Developments in 2003: More Complexity, Less Certainty Symposium on European Competition Law , Dennis Oswell and Esfandiar Vahida
EUstitia: Institutionalizing Justice in the European Union, Helen Elizabeth Hartnell
Euthanasia in the Hadamar Sanatorium and International Law, Maximilian Koessler
Euthanasia: None Dare Call It Murder, Joseph Sanders
Evaluating a Proposed Criminal Code, Alan M. Dershowitz
Evaluating the Admissibility of New Genetic Identification Tests: Lessons from the DNA War, William C. Thompson
Evaluating the Results of Probation , Bennet Mead
Evaluation of Affidavits and Inssuance of Search Warrants: A Practical Guide for Federal Magistrates, Arthur L. Burnett
Evaluation of Physical Evidence in Criminalistics: Subjective or Objective Process, James W. Osterburg
Evaluation of Textile Fibers as Evidence, Gabriel L. Plaa, David C. Barron, and Paul L. Kirk
Evaluation of the Measurement of Motor Vehicle Ground Speed from Aircraft, Richard A. Myren
Evaluation Research in Crime and Delinquency: A Reappraisal , Charles H. Logan
Evalution of Courtroom Testimony, Charles S. Morgan
Everybody’s Got a Price: Why Orange County’s Practice of Taking DNA Samples from Misdemeanor Arrestees is an Excessive Fine, Michael Purtill
Everything Old Is New Again: Justice Scalia's Activist Originalism in Schriro v. Summerlin, Marc E. Johnson
Evidence Handed to the IRS Criminal Division on a Civil Platter: Constitutional Infringements on Taxpayers, Amanda A. Cochran
Evidence of Arson and Its Legal Aspects, Samuel L. Stevens
Evidence of Bad Reputation in Liquor Law Prosecution, Robert T. Jensen
Evidence: Standard of Proof in Voluntariness Hearings: Lego v. Twomey, 404 U.S. 477 (1972)
Evidentiary Privileges and the Defendant's Constitutional Right to Introduce Evidence, Welsh S. White
Evolution in the Treatment of Belgian Delinquents and Mentally-Ill , Louis Vervaeck
Evolution of Criminology in Cuba, The , Israel Castellanos
Evolution of Punishment, A. Warren Stearns
Evolution of the Department of Police Administration at Indiana University, John A. Mears
Examination of Glass, F. G. Tryhorn
Examination of Micro-Quantity of Ball Point Inks from Documents by Thin-Layer Chromatography, George R. Nakamura and Satoru C. Shimoda
Examination of Paint Chips and Scrapings with the Spectrophotometer, John F. Williams
Examination of Paint with the Electron Microprobe , Edward M. Butler
Examination of Papers in Questioned Documents: Differentiation by Chemical Tests, Edwin H. Fearon and William R. McMillan
Examination of Skeletal Remains, Sydney Smith
Examination of Some Dispositions Relating to Motives and Character in Modern European Penal Codes, An , M. Ploscowe
Examination of the Accuracy and Relevance of Staff Perceptions of the Inmate in the Correctional Institution , Lawrence E. Hazelrigg
Examining the Boundaries of Hate Crime Law: Disabilities and the Dilemma of Difference, Ryken Grattet and Valerie Jenness
Examining Three-Wave Deterrence Models: A Question of Temporal Order and Specification, Raymond Paternoster
Example of the Use of Polishing Marks for Matching Paint Flakes, Donald F. Nelson
Exchange Losses from International Electronic Funds Transfers: Time to Unify the Law, John S. Santa Lucia
Exclusionary Rule and Its Alternatives--Remedies for Constitutional Violations in Canada and the United States, The , Donald V. MacDougall
Exclusionary Rule: United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338 (1974)
Exclusion of Illegal State Evidence in Federal Courts, The , Gerald H. Galler
Executive Celemency in Wisconsin, J. L. Gillin
Executive or Judicial Determination of Privilege of Government Documents, Dale McAllister
Exemption 7(D) of the Freedom of Information Act--The Evidentiary Showing the Government Must Make to Establish that a Source is Confidential, Matthew J. Salzman
Exhaustion of State Remedies as Affecting Habeas Corpus Writs in Federal Courts: A Recent Modification of the Requirement, Thomas B. Stibolt
Eximbank as a Public Enterprise: The Role of Congress and the Executive Branch, Jordan Jay Hillman
Existing Laws Which Authorize Psychologists to Perform Professional Services, Leta S. Hollingworth
Exluding Automobile Passengers from Fourth Amendment Protection, Jenny L. Riggs
Exonerations in the United States 1989 through 2003, Samuel R. Gross, Kristen Jacoby, Daniel J. Matheson, and Nicholas Montgomery
Expanding the Victim's Role in the Criminal Court Dispositional Process: The Results of an Experiment, Robert C. Davis, Frances Kunreuther, and Elizabeth Connick
Expansion of the Terry Doctrine to Completed Felonies, The--Fourth Amendment: United States v. Hensley, 105 S. Ct. 675 (1985), Jolene D. Pettus
Experience in Identification Testimony, Henry B. Brown
Experiences of a Psychiatric Missionary in the Criminal Courts, John R. Oliver
Experimental Evaluation of Galvantic Skin Response and Blood Pressure Change Indices During Criminal Interrogation , Sol Kugelmass, Israel Lieblich, Akiva Ben-Ishai, and Abraham Opatowski
Experimental Techniques in Group Psychotherapy with Delinquents, Jacob Chwast, Carmi Harari, and Lloyd Delany
Experiment in Predicting Delinquency, An , Ralph W. Whelan
Expertise and the Daubert Decision, Ronald J. Allen
Expert Testimony, E. Ray Stevens
Expert Testimony in Criminal Procedure Involving the Question of the Mental State of the Defendant, William A. White
Explaining Crimes and Analogous Acts, or the Unrestrained Will Grab at Pleasure Whenever They Can, Hugh D. Barlow
Explaining Recent Trends in U.S. Homicide Rates, Alfred Blumstein and Richard Rosenfeld
Explorations in the Institutionalization of Juvenile Delinquency , Edmund W. Vaz
Explorations in the Similarities, Differences and Conflicts Between Probation, Parole and Institutions, George H. Weber
Exports, Banking and Antitrust: The Export Trading Company Act - A Modest Tool for Export Promotion, George E. Garvey
Exposing the Fake Claim Racket, Frank A. Muscolina
Express Delivery and the Postal Sector in the Context of Public Secto Anti-Competitive Practices, D. Daniel Sokol
Extension of Probation to Adult Cases Including Divorce, Charles W. Hoffman
Extent of Juvenile Delinquency in Wisconsin, The , Morris G. Caldwell
Extent of Unrecorded Juvenile Delinquency Tentative Conclusions, James F. Jr. Short and F. Ivan Nye
Extraction and Identification of Small Amounts of Accelerants from Arson Evidence, The , Donald L. Adams
Extraterritorial Application of Canadian Foreign Investment Review, Kathleen M. O'Laughlin
Extraterritorial Application of United States Commodity and Securities Laws to Market Transactions in an Age of Intercontinental Trading Links, Harold A. Malkin
Extra Territorial Criminal Jurisdiction in British Canada, William Renwick Riddell
Extraterritoriality: A Candian Perspective, Allan E. Gotlieb
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the Proposed Federal Criminal Code, Kenneth R. Feinberg
Extreme Ordinal Position and Criminal Behavior, J. Asa Shield and Austin E. Grigg
Eyewitness Identification: Should Psychologists be Permitted to Address the Jury, Margaret J. Lane
Faces without Features: The Surface Validity of Criminal Inferences, Peter Lushing
Facilitating Fairness: The Judge's Role in the Sixth Amendment Right to Effective Counsel, John Capone
Factors Associated with Adoption of the Inmate Code: A Study of Normative Socialization , Charles Wellford
Factors Contributing to Juvenile Delinquency , K. M. Banham Bridges
Factors Determining Parole from the Massachusetts Reformatory, Sam B. Warner
Factors for Predicting Parole Success, Howard G. Borden
Factors Influencing the Future Development of State Police , Bruce Smith
Factors in Planning and Evaluating In-Service Training Programs, Harry Diamond
Factors in the Motivation of Sexual Offenders, Nathan Roth
Facts and Fancies in Crime Prevention, Virgil W. Peterson
Fair Play for the Inebriate, McKenzie Cleland
Fallacy of Federalism in Foreign Affairs: State and Local Foreign Policy Trade Restrictions, The , Howard N. III Fenton
Falling Short of the Mark: The United States Response to the European Union's Data Privacy Directive, Morey Elizabeth Barnes
False Fingerprints--A New Aspect, Louis J. van Der Meulen
False Presumptions Counter to the Presumptions of Innocence, G. P. Garrett
Familial Social Control and Pretrial Sanctions: Does Sex Really Matter, Candace Kruttschnitt and Daniel McCarthy
Families Divided: An Analysis of Isreal's Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, Bethany M. Nikfar
Family Court, Jane Deeter Rippin
Family Disintegration and the Delinquent Boy in the United States, Ernest H. Shideler
Family Factors in the Ecology of Juvenile Delinquency, Gordon H. Barker
Family Intervention Police Teams as a Community Mental Health Resource, Morton Bard
Family Tension, Basic Cause of Criminal Behavior, David Abrahamsen
Fantasy and Force: A Study of the Dynamics of the Mentally Retarded Offender, Bertram S. Brown, Thomas F. Courtless, and David E. Silber
Farewell Message to the Intenational Union of Criminal Law, G. A. Van Hamel
Fascist Political Prisoners, Nathaniel Cantor
Fascist Reform of the Penal Law in Italy, The , Giulio Battaglini
Fatal and Non-Fatal Poisonings: A Statistical Survey, Irving Sunshine and Lester Adelson
Federal Court Remedies against State and Local Police Abuses: Third Degree Practices Enjoined , Charles W. Corcoran
Federal Criminal Sentencing: Some Measurement Issues With Application to Pre-Guideline Sentencing Disparity, William Rhodes
Federal False Statement Prosecutions: The Absurd Becomes Material, Bradford R. Hise
Federal Financial Assistance for Crime Control: Lessons of the LEAA Experience, Robert F. Diegelman
Federal Firearms Policy and Mandatory Sentencing, Milton Heumann, Colin Loftin, and David McDowall
Federal Habeas Corpus and the Death Penalty: A Need for a Return to the Principles of Furman, Diane Wells
Federal Habeas Corpus--A Need for Reform, Jim Smith
Federal Habeas Review: The Supreme Court's Failure to Apply Williams Consistently, Marry Connell Grubb
Federal Indeterminate Sentence, Van Buren Perry
Federalism and Concurrent Jurisdiction in Global Markets: Why a Combination of National and State Antitrust Enforcement is a Model for Effective Economic Regulation, Katherine Mason Jones
Federalism and the Control of Radio and TV Lotteries
Federal Procedure for Court Ordered Electronic Surveillance: Does It Meet the Standards of Berger and Katz, Stephen Linzer
Federal Protection against State Searches and Seizures, Daniel Walker
Federal Rules of Evidence 413-415 and the Struggle for Rulemaking Preeminence, Rosanna Cavallaro
Federal Rules of Evidence--Testimonial Privileges, Anne Pachciarek
Federal Search and Seizure Exclusionary Rule Its Origin, Development, Present Status and Trend, The
Federal Sentencing Guidelines--The Requirement of Notice for Upward Departure, Thomas Gilson
Federal, State and Local Governments: Partners in the Fight against Violent Crime, Mario Merola
Federal Tort Claims Act--An Alternative to the Exclusionary Rule, The , Francis A. Gilligan
Feeble-Minded Homicide in Mississippi, Thomas H. Haines
Feeble-Mindedness among Adult Delinquents, Thomas H. Haines
Feeble-Mindedness and Juvenile Crime, George A. Auden
Feeding the World One Seed at a Time: A Practical Alternative for Solving World Hunger, Frank Tenente
Felonious Assault Revealed as a Symptom of Abnormal Sexuality: A Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Psychopathic Behavior, Benjamin Karpman
Felony Punishments: A Factorial Survey of Perceived Justice in Criminal Sentencing, Joann L. Miller, Peter H. Rossi, and Jon E. Simpson
Felony Trials in Michigan Counties, W. Abraham Goldberg
Female Criminality in Omaha, T. Earl Sullenger
Female Spouse Abuse and the Police Response: The Charlotte, North Carolina Experiment, J. David Hirschel and Ira W. III Hutchison
Fettering Devices, Merle A. Gill
Fiber Tipped Pens, David A. Black
Field-of-Use Restrictions as Precompetitive Elements in Patent and Know-How Licensing Agreements in the United States and the European Communities, Thomas C. Meyers
Fifth Amendment--Admissibilty of Confession Obtained Without Miranda Warnings in Noncustodial Setting, Lynnette L. Lupia
Fifth Amendment--Affording Society's Interest Greater Protection in Double Jeopardy Analysis, John J. Jr. Sikora
Fifth Amendment--Coercion and Clarity: The Supreme Court Approves Altered Miranda Warnings, David B. Altman
Fifth Amendment: Compulsory Production of Incriminating Business Records
Fifth Amendment--Confessions and the Right to Counsel
Fifth Amendment--Double Jeopardy
Fifth Amendment--Double Jeopardy and the Dangerous Drug Tax, John Hildy
Fifth Amendment--Double Jeopardy and the Doctrine of Dual Sovereignty
Fifth Amendment--Double Jeopardy and the Single Tribunal Rule
Fifth Amendment--Double Jeopardy: Legislative Intent Controls in Crimes and Punishments, Deborah L. Schmitt
Fifth Amendment--Double Jeopardy: Two-Tier Trial Systems and the Continuing Jeopardy Principle, Adam N. Volkert
Fifth Amendment--Extension of Double Jeopardy Protection to Sentencing, Anne M. Pachciarek
Fifth Amendment--Fifth Amendment Exclusionary Rule: The Assertion and Subsequent Waiver of the Right to Counsel, Lee A. Weiss
Fifth Amendment--Harmless Error Analysis Applied to Coerced Confessions, Sara E. Welch
Fifth Amendment--Impeachment: Harris v. New York, 401 U.S. 222 (1971)
Fifth Amendment--Indefinite Commitment of Insanity Acquittees and Due Process Considerations, Donna R. Shralow
Fifth Amendment: Michigan v. Tucker, 417 U.S. 433 (1974)
Fifth Amendment--Preventing an Abusive Parent From Hiding behind the Self-Incrimination Privilege, Elizabeth J. Ruffing
Fifth Amendment--Prosecutor Not Presumed Vindictive in Pretrial Charge Increases after Defendant's Request for Jury Trial, Elizabeth M. Mills
Fifth Amendment--Responding to Abiguous Requests for Counsel During Custodial Interrogations, Thomas O. Levenberg
Fifth Amendment--Rights of Detainees
Fifth Amendment--Sentence Enhancement: Rethinking the Pearce Prophylactic Rule, Allan S. Brilliant
Fifth Amendment--Statutory Dilution of the Privilege against Self-Incrimination, John August Staas
Fifth Amendment--Substantial Exculpatory Evidence, Prosecutorial Misconduct and Grand Jury Proceedings: A Broadening of Prosecutorial Discretion, Gregory W. Bowman
Fifth Amendment--The Act of Production Privilege: The Supreme Court's Portrait of a Dualistic Record Custodian, John M. Jr. Grogan
Fifth Amendment--The Applicability of the Assertion of the Right to Counsel to Unrelated Investigations, Patrick J. Bitterman
Fifth Amendment--The Constitutionality of Custodial Confessions, Anne Elizabeth Link
Fifth Amendment--The Covert Narrowing of Double Jeopardy Precedent: The Supreme Court's Real Reason for Hearing Schiro v. Farley, James R. Lane
Fifth Amendment--The Meaning of Interrogation under Miranda, David M. Bates
Fifth Amendment--The Right to a no Adverse Inference Jury Instruction, Sharon R. Gromer
Fifth Amendment--Twice Jeopardizing the Rights of the Accused: The Supreme Court's TIBBS and KENNEDY Decisions, Deborah L. Schmitt
Fifth Amendment--Upholding the Constitutional Merit of Misleading Reasonable Doubt Jury Instructions, Shelagh Kenney
Fifth Amendment--Use of Grand Jury Testimony at Trial
Fifth Amendment--Validity of Waiver: A Suspect Need Not Know the Subjects of Interrogation, Gregory E. Spitzer
Fifth Amendment--Videotaping Drunk Drivers: Limitations on Miranda's Protections, Jacques LeBoeuf
Fifth Amendment--Waiver of Previously Invoked Right to Counsel, David E. Melson
Fifth Amendment--Will the Public Safety Exception Swallow the Miranda Exclusionary Rule, Steven Andrew Drizin
Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments--Defining the Protections of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments against Self-Incrimination for the Mentally Impaired, Michael R. Pace
Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments-A Constitutional Paradigm for Determining the Admissibility of Hypnotically Refreshed Testimony, Francis P. Kuplicki
Fifty-Ninth Prison Congress, The
Fighting Crime in Chicago the Crime Commission, Edwin W. Sims
Fighting Crime: The Problem of Adolescents, Barbara Boland
Fighting Cybercrime After United States v. Jones, David Gray, Danielle Keats Citron, and Liz Clark Rinehart
Fighting to Make the Cut: Female Genital Cutting Studied within the Context of Cultural Relativism, Rachelle Cassman
Fight or Flight of U.S.-Based Multinational Businesses: Analyzing the Causes for, Effects of, and Solutions to the Corporate Inversion Trend, Hale E. Sheppard
Filing .22 Firing Pin Impressions, Stanton O. Berg
Filippo Franci--A Precursor of Modern Penology--A Historical Note, Thorsten Sellin
Findings and Recommendations of the Chicago Council Committee on Crime, Charles E. Merriam
Fines and Community Protection in Springfield Illinois, Zenas L. Potter
Finger-Print Characteristics, L. W. LaChard
Fingerprint Forgery-- Transferred Latent Fingerprints, William W. Harper
Fingerprinting of the Deceased by the Dusting-Tape Method, Andrew H. Principe and Donald J. Verbeke
Finger Prints and Finger Printing: An Historical Study, Cyril John Polson
Finger Prints and Finger Printing: An Historical Study, Cyril John Polson
Finger Prints and the Ruxton Murders, BertieJames Hammond
Finger-Prints Can Be Forged, C. D. Lee
Fingerprint Signatures (A Word of Caution Concerning Their Use), George Tyler Mairs
Fingerprints in Criminal Investigation, M. Edwin O'Neill
Firearm Deaths, Gun Availability, and Legal Regulatory Changes: Suggestions from the Data, Greg S. Weaver
Firearms and Community Feelings of Safety, David Hemenway, Sara J. Solnick, and Deborah R. Azrael
Firearms Costs, Firearms Benefits and the Limits of Knowledge, Daniel D. Polsby
Firearms Evidence--Replicas of Fired Bullets, John E. Davis
Firearms Identification--Ballistics, Fred E. Inbau
Firing Pin Scrape Marks and the Identification of Firearms , G. P. Sharma
First Amendment--Attorney Solicitation
First Amendment--Constitutional Right of Access to Criminal Trials, Craig H. Lubben
First Amendment--Corporate Free Speech
First Amendment--Disconnecting Dial-A-Porn: Section 223(b)'s Two Pronged Challenge to First Amendment Rights, Suzanne D. Rubens
First Amendment--Drug Paraphernalia Statutes and the Constitution: The Court Creates a Legal Haze, Jeffrey J. Vawrinek
First Amendment--Free Speech--Schacht v. United States, 398 U.S. 58 (1970)
First Amendment--Guarantee of Public Access to Voir Dire, Michael P. Malak
First Amendment--Nonobscene Child Pornography and Its Categorical Exclusion from Constitutional Protection, Sandra Zunker Brown
First Amendment--Obscenity and Indecency
First Amendment--Penalty Enhancement for Hate Crimes: Content Regulation, Questionable State Interests and Non-Traditional Sentencing, Thomas D. Brooks
First Amendment--Prisoner Rights and Immunity for Prison Officials
First Amendment--Professional Discipline and the Right to Advertise
First Amendment Rights of Prisoners, The , Barry M. Fox
First Amendment--The Objective Standard for Social Value in Obscenity Cases, Lorri Staal
First Amendment--The Right of Access to Criminal Trials Extended, Karen B. Burrows
First Degree Murder--A Workable Definition, Keith W. Blinn
First Do No Harm: Myanmar Trade Sanctions and Human Rights, Michael Ewing-Chow
First English Court in the Present Canada on Its Criminal Side, William Renwick Riddell
First Execution for Witchcraft in Ireland, William Renwick Riddell
First Reported Criminal Trial, William Renwick Riddell
First Trial of the Constitution, Wade Millis
First U. N. Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, The , Manuel Lopez-Rey
Fisher Goes on the Quintessential Fishing Expedition and Hubbell is Off the Hook, H. Richard Uviller
Five Hundred Homicides, Howard Harlan
Flash Recognition Training in Law Enforcement Work--Next Exposure Ready Now, Rolland L. Soule
Florita's Enquiry into the Causes of Crime, Paul W. Tappan
Flying the Unfriendly Skies: The Liaiblity of Airlines under the Warsaw Convention for Injuries Due to Terrorism, Roberta L. Wilensky
Follow-Up of Discharged Psychiatric Offenders--Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity and Criminal Sexual Psychopaths, William R. Morrow and Donald B. Peterson
Follow up Studies of Introverted Children III: Relative Incidence of Criminal Behavior , Carmen Miller Michael
Food and Drink of an Englishman--By Statute, The , William Renwick Riddell
Forced Marriage: A "New" Crime Against Humanity?, Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz
Forcible Rape: An Updated Bibliography, Hubert S. Feild and Nona J. Barnett
Forcible Rape: An Updated Bibliography, Barbara M. Pawloski
Forcible Rape: Bibliography, Duncan Chappell, Gilbert Geis, and Faith Fogarty
Forecasting Sexual Abuse in Prison: The Prison Subculture of Masculinity as a Backdrop for Deliberate Indifference, Christopher D. Man and John P. Cronan
Foreign Banking in Indonesia, Robert N. Hornick
Foreign Competition in Relevant Geographic Markets: Antitrust Law in World Markets, Michael P. O'Brien
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Achieving a Balance between National Economy Benefits and National Security Interests, Joanna Rubin Travalini
Foreign Investment Companies Limited by Shares: The Latest Chinese Organization for Major International Ventures, Jim Jinpeng Zhang and Jung Y. Lowe
Foreign Language Periodicals and Articles of Interest in the Field of Criminology
Foreign Language Periodicals and Articles of Interest in the Field of Police Science
Foreign Taxation: The Section 367(e) Regulations -- No Place to Hide, Walter D. Schwidetzky
Forensic Applications of the Scanning Electron Microscope, E. J. Korda, H. L. MacDonell, and J. P. Williams
Forensic Comparisons of Soils by Neutron Activation and Atomic Absorption Analysis , C. Michael Hoffman, Richard L. Brunelle, and Kenneth B. Snow
Forensic Immunology, William C. Boyd
Forensic Pathologic and Criminalistic Analysis of Obscure Murder Cases, Edward J. Miloslavich
Forensic Phase of Litigious Paranoia, Bernard Glueck
Forensic Psychiatry, Lowell S. Selling
Forensic Psychiatry without Metaphysics, Olof Kinberg
Forensic Social Case Work: An Analytical Survey, Irving A. Lanzer
Foreward, Kimberly D. Krawiec
FOREWARD: Mergers, Market Access and the Millennium, Eleanor M. Fox
Foreword, James Hugo Friend
Foreword, Marvin E. Wolfgang
Foreword, Jeremy Travis
Foreword, Charlie DeVore
Foreword, Zach Dillon
Foreword, Lily Katz
Foreword: Addressing the Real World of Racial Injustice in the Criminal Justice System, Donna Coker
Foreword: A Golden Age of White-Collar Criminal Prosecution, Russell J. Chibe
Foreword--Evidence, Inference, Rules, and Judgment in Consitutional Adjudication: The Intriguing Case of Walton v. Arizona, Ronald J. Allen
Foreword: From Riots to Rights, Angela Walker
Foreword: Human Rights, the Rule of Law, and National Sovereignty, Gary L. McDowell and Stephen B. Presser
Foreword: Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of the Journal of International Human Rights, Angela Walker
Foreword: Separate but Equal in Prison: Johnson v. California and Common Sense Racism, James E. Robertson
Foreword: Symposium on Redefining International Criminal Law
Foreword: Terrorism and Utilitarianism: Lessons from, and for, Criminal Law, Paul Butler
Foreword--The Morality of the Criminal Law: Rights of the Accused, David L. Bazelon
Foreword: The New Court Searches for Identity, Nathaniel L. Nathanson
Foreword: The Rocky Road Toward the Rule of Law in China: 1979-2000, James Hugo Friend
Forfeiture of the Confrontation Right in Giles: Justice Scalia's Faint-Hearted Fidelity to the Common Law, Ellen Liang Yee
Forged Signatures More Skillfully Written Than the True Signatures, David A. Black
Forged Wills and Codicils in Certain States, Albert S. Osborn
Forgery Above a Genuine Signature, David A. Black
Forgery by Phusical Transfer, K. S. Puri
Formal, Categorical, but Incomplete: The Need for a New Standard in Evaluating Prior Convictions under the Armed Carrier Criminal Act, Krystle Lamprecht
Formality, Neutrality, and Goal-Rationality: The Legacy of Weber in Analyzing Legal Thought, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce
Form Blindness and Proof (Sight Defects in Relation to the Administration of Justice), Albert S. Osborn
Fortress Europe: The Myth, Martin Bangemann
Foundation-Building for Western Hemispheric Integration, Frederick M. Abbott
Foundations of Criminology, Boris Brasol
Found Documents, Albert S. Osborn
Four Models of the Criminal Process, Kent Roach
Four Relationship Status of a Group of Delinquent Boys, Fowler Vincent Harper and James M. Reinhardt
Fourteenth Amendment--Admitting Evidence of Battered Child Syndrome to Prove Intent, David J. Doyle
Fourteenth Amendment--Cameras in the Courtroom: Supreme Court Gives the Go-Ahead, Joy D. Fulton
Fourteenth Amendment--Criminal Procedure: The Impeachment Use of Post-Arrest Silence Which Precedes the Receipt of Miranda Warnings, David E. Melson
Fourteenth Amendment--Due Process and Interstate Prison Transfers, David P. Baum
Fourteenth Amendment--Due Process and Plea Bargaining
Fourteenth Amendment--Due Process and the Preventive Detention of Juveniles, Lee A. Weiss
Fourteenth Amendment--Due Process for Prisoners in Commitment Proceedings, Keith S. Knochel
Fourteenth Amendment--Equal Protection: The Supreme Court's Prohibition of Gender-Based Peremptory Challenges, Beth A. Deverman
Fourteenth Amendment--Parole Release Determinations
Fourteenth Amendment--Peremptory Challenges and the Equal Protection Clause, Mark L. Josephs
Fourteenth Amendment--Peremptory Challenges by Defendants and the Equal Protection Clause, Michele A. Gemskie
Fourteenth Amendment--Statutory Rape: Protection of Minor Female and Prosecution of Minor Male, Rebecca J. Lauer
Fourteenth Amendment--The Continued Confinement of Insanity Acquittees, Ellen M. Papadakis
Fourteenth Amendment--The Last Gasp of Due Process Requirements on Eyewitness Identifications: The Adimissibility of Identification Evidence May be Determined in the Jury's Presence, Robert Roy Schneider
Fourteenth Amendment--The Right to Refuse Antipsychotic Drugs Masked by Prison Bars, Patricia E. Sindel
Fourteenth Amendment--The Standard of Mental Competency to Waive Constitutional Rights Versus the Competency Standard to Stand Trial, Brian R. Boch
Fourteenth Amendment--The Supreme Court's Mandate for Proof beyond a Preponderance of the Evidence in Terminating Parental Rights, Barbara S. Shulman
Fourth Amendment--Administrative Searches and Seizures
Fourth Amendment--Admissibility of Statements Obtained during Illegal Detention
Fourth Amendment--Airport Searches and Seizures: Where Will the Court Land, Jeffrey A. Carter
Fourth Amendment--An Acceptable Erosion of the Exclusionary Rule, Bradley C. Graveline
Fourth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment--Malicious Prosecution and 1983: Is There a Constitutional Violation Remediable under Section 1983, Eric J. Wunsch
Fourth Amendment and Police-Citizen Confrontations, The , Lawrence P. Tiffany
Fourth Amendment and Traffic Stops: Bright-Line Rules in Conjunction with the Totality of the Circumstances Test, Aaron H. Mendelsohn
Fourth Amendment--A Renewed Plea for Relevant Criteria for the Admissibility of Tainted Confessions, William D. Levinson
Fourth Amendment--Balancing the Interests in Third Party Home Arrests, G. Andrew Watson
Fourth Amendment--Detention of Occupants During a Premises Search: The Winter of Discontent for Probable Cause, Jeffrey J. Vawrinek
Fourth Amendment--Electronic Surveillance
Fourth Amendment--Eliminating the Inadvertent Discovery Requirement for Seizures Under the Plain View Doctrine, Richard J. Hall
Fourth Amendment--Expanding the Scope of Automobile Consent Searches, George S. Lochhead
Fourth Amendment--Illegal Searches and the Exclusionary Rule
Fourth Amendment-in-Court Identifications, Terence P. Fagan
Fourth Amendment--Limited Luggage Seizures Valid on Reasonable Suspicion, Linda M. Sickman
Fourth Amendment--Must Police Knock and Announce Themselves before Kicking in the Door Of a House, Mark Josephson
Fourth Amendment--Nonexigent Home Arrest Entries, Denise P. Garvey
Fourth Amendment--Of Cars, Containers and Confusion, Jeffrey A. Carter
Fourth Amendment--Officer Safety and the Protective Automobile Search: An Expansion of the Pat-Down Frisk, Timothy M. Ison
Fourth Amendment--of Warrants, Electronic Surveillance, Expectations of Privacy, and Tainted Fruits, Dawn Webber
Fourth Amendment--Pen Register Surveillance
Fourth Amendment--Prison Cells: Is there a Right to Privacy, Darlene C. Goring
Fourth Amendment Privacy Interests, William C. Heffernan
Fourth Amendment--Protection against Unreasonable Seizure of the Person: The New Common Law Arrest Test for Seizure, Timothy J. Devetski
Fourth Amendment--Protection against Unreasonable Seizures of the Person: The Intrusiveness of Dragnet Styled Drug Sweeps, Shawn V. Lewis
Fourth Amendment--Protective Sweep Doctrine: When Does the Fourth Amendment Allow Police Officers to Search the Home Incident to a Lawful Arrest, Mark J. Sifferlen
Fourth Amendment--Reasonable Expectations of Privacy in Automobile Searches
Fourth Amendment--Requiring Probable Cause for Searches and Seizures under the Plain View Doctrine, Elsie Romero
Fourth Amendment--Search and Seizure
Fourth Amendment--Search and Seizure of Property Abroad: Erosion of the Rights of Aliens, Leonard X. Rosenberg
Fourth Amendment--Search of an Individual Pursuant to a Warrant to Search the Premises, Sandra J. Wall
Fourth Amendment--Search Warrants and the Right to Free Press
Fourth Amendment--Steering Away from Automobile Detention Precedents to Justify Warrantless Searches of Pleasure Boats in Inland Waters, David L. Bialosky
Fourth Amendment--Stop and Frisk
Fourth Amendment--Suspicionless Urinalysis Testing: A Constitutionally Reasonable Weapon in the Nation's War on Drugs, Kenneth C. Betts
Fourth Amendment--The Constitutionality of a Sobriety Checkpoint Program, Bryan Scott Blade
Fourth Amendment--The Court Further Limits Standing, Rebecca J. Lauer
Fourth Amendment--The Plain Touch Exception to the Warrant Requirement, Susanne M. MacIntosh
Fourth Amendment--The Presumption of Reasonableness of a Subpoena Duces Tecum Issued by a Grand Jury, Daniel E. Chefitz
Fourth Amendment--The Reasonableness of Suspicionless Drug Testing of Railroad Employees, Heidi P. Mallory
Fourth Amendment--Totality of the Circumstances Approach to Probable Cause Based on Informant's Tips, Cathy E. Moore
Fourth Amendment--Toward Police Discretion in Determining the Scope of Administrative Searches, Clayton E. King
Fourth Amendment--Using the Drug Courier Profile to Fight the War on Drugs, Steven K. Bernstein
Fourth Amendment Vagaries (of Improbable Cause, Imperceptible Plain View, Notorious Privacy, and Balancing Askew), Wayne R. LaFave
Fourth Amendment--Warrantless Administrative Inspections of Commercial Property, Thomas A. Roberts
Fourth Amendment--Work-Related Searches by Government Employers Valid on Reasonable Grounds, E. Miles Kilburn
Fourth Annual Meeting of the Illinois Branch of the Institute, C. G. Vernier
Fourtheenth Amendment--Police Failure to Preserve Evidence and Erosion of the Due Process Right to a Fair Trial, Sarah M. Bernstein
Fourth Estate and Court Procedure As a Public Show, The , Harvey M. Watts
FQHCs and Health Reform: Up to the Task?, James Hennessy
Fraud and Corruption against the Government: A Proposed Statute to Establish a Taxpayer Remedy, Erwin Chemerinsky
Fraudulent Check Notations, David A. Black
Fred E. Inbau, James R. Thompson
Fred E. Inbau: Professorial Fighter of Crime, James A. Rahl
Fred E. Inbau: The Importance of Being Guilty, Yale Kamisar
Freedom of Assembly, Norman L. Chapple
Freedom or Theocracy?: Constitutionalism in Afghanistan and Iraq, Hannibal Travis
Free Speech and the Espionage Act, G. P. Garrett
Free to Leave - An Empirical Look at the Fourth Amendment's Seizure Standard, David K. Kessler
Free Trade in Ideas, George Palmer Garrett
French and American Criminal Law Three Points of Resemblance, Robert Ferrari
French Correctional Courts, Damon C. Woods
French Privatizations and International Capital Markets, Alexander Marquardt and Ellen H. Clark
Frequency of Crime and Punishment, Harold A. Phelps
Friends' Use and Adult Drug and Drinking Behavior: A Further Test of Differential Association Theory, R. Thomas Dull
From Diplomacy to Law: The Juridicization of International Trade Relations, Arie Reich
From Ice to Ether: The Adoption of a Regime to Govern Resource Exploitation in Outer Space, Grier C. Raclin
From Incitement to Indictment - Prosecuting Iran's President for Advocating Israel's Destruction and Piecing Together Incitement Law's Emerging Analytical Framework, Gregory S. Gordon
From “Kill the Gays” to “Kill the Gay Rights Movement”: The Future of Homosexuality Legislation in Africa, Adam J. Kretz
From Nike v. Kasky to Martha Stewart: First Amendment Protection for Corporate Speakers' Denials of Public Criminal Allegations, Cynthia A. Caillavet
From Pathology to Criminology, Harold I. Gosline
From the Autobiography of a Bandit: Toward the Psychogenesis of So-Called Psychopathic Behavior, Benjamin Karpman
From White Collar Crime to Exploitation: Redefinition of a Field, Harold E. Pepinsky
From William Henry Furman to Anthony Porter: The Changing Face of the Death Penalty Debate, Bradley R. Hall
FSIA Retroactivity Subsequent to the Issuance of the Tate Letter: A Proposed Solution to the Confusion, Michael E. Jansen
Function of Criminal Pleading, Robert W. Millar
Function of Private Defense in the Repression of Crime, Giulio Q. Battaglini
Function of Punishment , G. P. Garrett
Function Over Form: The Automobile Exception Applied to Motor Homes--Fourth Amendment: California v. Carney, 105 S. Ct. 2066 (1985), Shane V. Nugent
Functions of a Toxicologist, W. J. R. Camp
Functions of the Railroad Police, William T. Faricy
Fundamentally Conflicting Views of the Rule of Law in China and the West & (and) Implications for Commercial Disputes, Benedict Sheehy
Furhter Investigation of the Scale Count of Human Hair, P. L. Kirk and Lucy H. Gamble
Further Evaluation of the Scale Count of Human Hair, Joseph Beeman
Further Extension and Revision of the Binet-Simon Scale, F. Kuhlmann
Further Interpretation of Innocent Blood-Pressure Rises in Polygraph Testing, A , Richard O. Arther
Further Reflections on the Guillotine, Ronald J. Allen and Amy Shavell
Further Validation of the Glueck Social Prediction Table for Identifying Potential Delinquents, Richard E. Thompson
Future Attitude Toward Crime, George W. Kirchwey
Future of Confrontation Clause Developments: What Will Emerge When the Supreme Court Synthesizes the Diverse Lines of Confrontation Decisions, James B. Haddad
Future of Fishery Management and Its Impact on the Seafood Industry: A Comparison of United States and Canadian Fishery Management Policies after UNCLOS III, Ferdinand J. III Gallo
Future of Parole, Edith N. Burleigh
Gambling and the Law, Hugh R. Manes
Gambling and the Law, John Drzazga
Gambling and the Law--Cards, John Drzazga
Gambling and the Law--Dice, John Drzazga
Gambling and the Law--Policy, John Drzazga
Gambling and the Law--Slot Machines, John Drzazga
Gambling--Should it be Legalized, Virgil W. Peterson
Gang Loitering and Race, Lawrence Rosenthal
Gang Member Delinquency: Its Extent, Sequence and Typology, Gerald D. Robin
Gateway to Justice: Police and Prosecutorial Response to Sexual Assaults against Women, Wayne A. Kerstetter
GATT and GATS: A Public Morals Attack on Money Laundering, Matthew B. Comstock
GATT and the Half-Life of Uranium Industry Protection, James R. Wilch
GATT Dispute Settlements: A New Beginning in International and U.S. Trade Law, Donald E. deKieffer
Gender Bias in Juvenile Justice Processing: Implications of the JJDP Act, Donna M. Bishop and Charles E. Frazier
Gender, Crime, and the Criminal Law Defenses, Deborah W. Denno
General Exclusion Orders under Section 337, Gary M. Hnath
General Prevention--Illusion of Reality, Johs Andenses
General Prevention Revisited: Research and Policy Implications, Johannes Andenaes
Genius and Eugenics, William N. Gemmill
George Dession, Richard C. Donnelly
Georg Michael Von Obermaier--A Pioneer in Reformatory Procedures, Friedrich Hoefer
German Merger Control: A European Approach to Anticompetitive Takeovers, Rolf Belke and W. David Braun
German National Registration System As Means of Police Control of Population, The , Robert M. W. Kempner
German Prevention of Crime Act, 1933, Hermann Mannheim
Getting'em Out of Circulation: Does Incarceration of Juvenile Offenders Reduce Crime, Stevens H. Clarke
Getting from Salbu to the Tipping Point: The Role of Corporate Action within a Portfolio of Anti-Corruption Strategies, Thomas W. Dunfee and David Hess
Getting out of this Mess: Steps Toward Addressing and Avoiding Inordinate Delay in Capital Cases, Dwight Aarons
Gideon and Beyond: Achieving an Adequate Defense for the Indigent, Barry Siegal
Girl Child Soldiers in Northern Uganda: Do Current Legal Frameworks Offer Sufficient Protection, Abigail Leibig
Girls, Guys and Gangs: The Changing Social Context of Female Delinquency, Peggy C. Giordano
Glass Fragments as Evidence: A Comparative Study of Physical Properties, Lucy Gamble, David Q. Burd, and Paul L. Kirk
Glimpse of Law in the Early Thirteenth Century, A , William Renwick Riddell
Global Diseases, Global Patents and Differential Treatment in WTO Law: Criteria for Suspending Patent Obligations in Developing Countries, Bradly Condon and Tapen Sinha
Globalization and the Business of Law: Lessons for Legal Education, Carole Silver, David Van Zandt, and Nicole De Bruin
Globalizing Sanctions against Foreign Bribery: The Emergence of a New International Legal Consensus, David A. Gantz
Global Law Firms: Globalization and Organizational Spaces of Cross-Border Legal Work, James R. Faulconbridge, Jonathan V. Beaverstock, Daniel Muzio, and Peter J. Taylor
Glueck Method of Parole Prediction Applied to 1,861 Cases of Burglars, Michael Hakeem
Goal: A Police Profession, The , Paul H. Ashenhust
Go Directly to Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Keep House, Matthew Costigan
Gonzales v. Oregon and the Future of Agency-Made Criminal Law, Trevor Stiles
Good Boy in a High Delinquency Area, The , Walter C. Reckless, Simon Dinitz, and Ellen Murray
Goodbye to the Defense of Selective Prosecution, Melissa L. Jampol
Good Faith and the Fourth Amendment: The Reasonable Exception to the Exclusionary Rule, Edna F. Ball
Government Antitrust Actions and Remedies Involving Foreign Commerce: Procedural and Substantive Limitations, William C. Holmes
Grading Intelligence by Years and by Points, Warren W. Coxe
Grand Jury--Disclosure of Grand Jury Materials to Government Attorneys for Civil Use under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), Tammy Jo Berge
Grand Jury Secrecy--Time for a Reevaluation, William B. Lytton
Grand Jury Under Attack, The--Part I , Richard D. Younger
Grand Jury Under Attack, The--Part III, Richard D. Younger
Graphical Method for Rapidly Determining Minimum Vehicle Speeds from Skid Marks, William W. Harper
Grassroots Death Sentences: The Social Movement for Capital Child Rape Laws, Monica C. Bell
Greed is Good, for Patients: How the Biotechnology Industry Saves Lives, One Gene Patent at a Time, Nikki Buck
Grey Market Imports: A Genuine Problem for the United States Trademark Owner, Customs Service, and Courts, Barbara A. Curry
Gridland: An Allegorical Critique of Federal Sentencing, Erik Luna
Griffin Case: New Aid for Indigent Defendants in Criminal Cases, The , Marvin E. Aspen
Grounds of Pardon, The , James D. Barnett
Group Dynamics in the Prison Community , Morris G. Caldwell
Group Personality Profile Related to Aspects of Antisocial Behavior , John M. Stanton
Group Psychotherapy and Group Work in Authoritarian Settings, Hans A. Illing
Group Therapy--Irradiation--A Review and Analysis, Arthur Mann
Group Think: The Law of Conspiracy and Collective Reason, Jens David Ohlin
Growth and Changing Functions of the Connecticut Department of State Police, Victor A. Rapport
Guantanamo and Beyond: Dangers of Rigging the Rules, Brian J. Foley
Guidelines for Mergers and Acquisitions in France, David J. Berger
Guilty Plea Negotiations and the Exclusionary Rule of Evidence: A Case Study of Chicago Narcotics Courts, J. A. Gilboy
Gunboat Diplomacy in the Northwest Atlantic: The 1995 Canada-EU Fishing Dispute and the United Nations Agreement on Straddling and High Migratory Fish Stocks, Derrick M. Kedziora
Gun Control and Economic Discrimination: The Melting-Point Case-in-Point, T. Markus Funk
Gunman and His Gun, The , Andrew A. Bruce and Shurl Rosmarin
Gun Ownership and Gang Membership, Beth Bjerregaard and Alan J. Lizotte
Habeas Corpus--Expedited Appellate Review of Habeas Corpus Petitions Brought by Death-Sentenced State Prisoners, Timothy A. Ita
Habeas Corpus--Fifth Amendment--The Supreme Court's Cost-Benefit Analysis of Federal Habeas Review of Alleged Miranda Violations, Anthony P. Bigornia
Habeas Corpus in Extradition Proceedings Involving Escaped Convicts , Kenneth Levin
Habeas Corpus--Limited Review for Actual Innocence, Jennifer Breuer
Habeas Corpus--Limiting the Availability of Habeas Corpus after a Procedural Default, Thomas J. Bamonte
Habeas Corpus--Much Ado about Very Little: The Total Exhauston Rule, Jan Neuenschwander
Habeas Corpus--Retroactivity of Post-Conviction Rulings: Finality at the Expense of Justice, Timothy Finley
Habeas Corpus: Unresolved Standard of Review on Mixed Questions for State Prisoners, James Basta
Half-Told Story of Real White Slavery in the Seventeenth Century, A , William Renwick Riddell
Half Told Tale of Seven Hundred Years Ago, William Renwick Riddell
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld: Judicious Balancing at the Intersection of the Executive's Power to Detain and the Citizen-Detainee's Right to Due Process, James B. Anderson
Handling and Preserving Blood Alcohol Test Samples, Lowell W. Bradford
Hand That Holds the Baton, Hillard J. Trubitt
Handwriting and Forgery under Hypnosis, George J. Lacy
Handwriting Evidence Against Hauptmann, Clark Sellers
Handwriting Identification vs. Eye Witness Identification, Ordway Hilton
Handwriting Standard Forms, David J. Purtell
Handwriting Testimony in a Criminal Conviction and the Disbarment of a Lawyer, Elbridge W. Stein
Handwriting, Typewritng and Document Expert Testimony Tested by Its Convincingness, Elbridge W. Stein
Harmless Error: Abettor of Courtroom Misconduct, Vilija Bilaisis
Harmless Error: Constitutional Sneak Thief, Steven H. Goldberg
Harmonization: A Doctrine for the Next Decade, Mark R. Joelson
Harmonizing the Delinquency Experts, Walter Webster Argow
Harris v. United States: The Supreme Court's Latest Avoidance of Providing Constitutional Protection to Sentencing Factors, Julie L. Hendrix
Harry Soderman of Stockholm: Master Criminologist, Cedric Larson
Has Crime Increased in the United States Since 1880, Charles A. Ellwood
Has the Supreme Court Really Turned RICO Upside down: An Examination of Now v. Scheidler, Michael Vitiello
Have Our Prisons Failed, Sanford Bates
Have You No Sense of Decency, Peter J. Neufeld
Headlight Glass as Evidence, Roger S. Greene and David Q. Burd
Health Care Fraud under the New Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program, Robert N. Rabecs
Hearsay Rule: Time Element in Spontaneous Exclamations, Samuel J. Baim
Hearts on Their Sleeves: Symbolic Displays of Emotion by Spectators in Criminal Trials, Meghan E. Lind
Heath v. Alabama: A Case Study of Doctrine and Rationality in the Supreme Court, Ronald J. Allen and John P. Ratnaswamy
Heavyweight Bots in the Clouds: The Wrong Incentives and Poorly Crafted Balances That Lead to the Blocking of Information Online, Anjanette H. Raymond
Hedge Fund Regulation: What the FSA Is Doing Right and Why the SEC Should Follow the FSA's Lead, Lartease Tiffith
Hedge Funds, Hot Markets and the High Net Worth Investor: A Case for Greater Protection, Helen Parry
Helicopter-New York Police on Patrol, The , Walter E. Klotzback
Hell and the Law, Frank W. Grinnell
Heredity and Crime, Arthur N. Foxe
Heroin Use and Street Gangs, Daniel M. Wilner, Eva Rosenfeld, Robert S. Lee, and Donald L. Gerard
Hero with a Thousand Copyright Violations: Modern Myth and an Argument for Universally Transformative Fan Fiction, Natalie H. Montano
He's on Parole, John C. Carey
Higher Education and Policemen: Attitudinal Differences Between Freshman and Senior Police College Students, Irving B. Guller
Higher Police Training at the University Level, Donal E. J. MacNamara
High Parole Standards Should Prevail, E. R. Cass
Historial Origin of the Prison System in America, Harry Elmer Barnes
Historical and Clinical Study of Criminality with Special Reference to Theft, An , Fred Brown
Historical Background of Policewomen's Service, Lois Higgins
Historical Glimpses of Training for Prison Service, Thorsten Sellin
Historical Sketch of Military Law, Ridley McLean
Historical Sketch of the Indeterminate Sentence and Parole System, Edward Lindsey
History of Criminal Statistics (1908-1933), Louis N. Robinson
History of Lie Detection, Paul V. Trovillo
History of Lie Detection, Paul V. Trovillo
History of the Movement to Establish a State Reformatory for Women in Connecticut, A , Helen Worthington Rogers
History, Theory and Results of Parole, The , Helen Leland Witmer
Hit-Run Murders: Examination of the Body, Harold L. Beddoe
Hit Them Where It Hurts: RICO Criminal Forfeitures and White Collar Crime, Karla R. Spaulding
Hoisted by Their Own Petard: Adverse Inferences in Civil Forfeiture, Shannon T. Noya
Homicide and the Death Penalty: A Cross-National Test of a Deterrece Hypothesis, Dane Archer, Rosemary Gartner, and Marc Beittel
Homicide Concept, Charles Sumner Lobingier
Homicide in Chicago: A Nine-Year Study (1965-1973), Richard Block
Homicide in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, Eric H. Monkkonen
Homicides among Chicago Families: 1870-1930, Roland Chilton
Homicide Victims and Offenders: An Israeli Study, Simha F. Landau, Israel Drapkin, and Shlomo Arad
Homogeneous Victim-Offender Populations: A Review and Some Research Implications, Simon I. Singer
Honor Among Criminals, Jerome G. Sacks
Honoring Dr. F. Emory Lyon, Robert H. Gault
Honoring Human Nature in Prison , Robert H. Gault
Honor System for Inmates of Prisons and Reformatories , Sanford Bates
Hoover Company v. Commissioner: A Judicial One Way Street, Raymond J. Jr. Slomski
Horizontal Paper Chromatography in the Identification of Ball Point Pen Inks, Charlotte Brown and Paul L. Kirk
Hostile French Civilians, Benjamin B. Ferencz
House of Correction for Boys in the Hospice of Saint Michael in Rome, The , Thorsten Sellin
Housing of Prisoners, F. Emory Lyon
How Can Children Behave if Parents Misbehave, Scott E. W. Bedford
How Does Europe Regulate Powers Within Its Corporations? What Might the Answer Mean for the U.S.? An Essay and Review of European Company Laws: A Comparative Approach, Donald C. Jr. Dowling
How Far Can Court Procedure Be Socialized without Impairing Individual Rights, Edward F. Waite
How Far Can Federal Officers Search in Connection with an Arrest, Charles Marshall
How Far Have We Come, and Where Do We Go from Here: The Status of Global Computer Software Protection under the TRIPS Agreement, Aaron D. Charfoos
How Louisiana Prepared and Adopted a Criminal Code, J. Denson Smith
How Much Do People Write Alike--A Study of Signatures, John J. Harris
How Much Do We Really Know about Criminal Deterrence, Raymond Paternoster
How Reasonable Is the Reasonable Man: Police and Excessive Force, Geoffrey P. Alpert and William C. Smith
How Shall the People of the United States of America Reform Their Legal Procedure So as to Make It an Instrument of Justice, Hugh Evander Willis
How Should We Educate the Police, George A. Lankes
How State and City Governments Deal with Racketeering, Paul E. Lockwood
How the Montefiore School Prevents Crime, Edward H. Stullken
How the Pathologist Can Aid the Arson Investigator, Russell S. Fisher
How to Criticize the Death Penalty, David Dolinko
How to Form a Citizens Crime Commission, Virgil W. Peterson
How to Measure the Extent of Juvenile Delinquency, O. W. Wilson
How to Unpoison the Fruit--The Fourth Amendment and the Exclusionary Rule, Robert F. Maguire
Hudson v. Palmer--Bright Lines But Dark Directions for Prisoner Privacy Rights, Martin R. Gardner
Human Element in Justice , George Everson
Human Hair Studies: Applications of the Microdetermination of Comparative Density, Lauren J. Goin, William H. McKee, and Paul L. Kirk
Human Hair Studies: General Considerations of Hair Individualization and Its Forensic Importance, Paul L. Kirk
Human Hair Studies: III. Refractive Index of Crown Hair, M. D. Greenwell, A. Willner, and Paul L. Kirk
Human Hair Studies: II Scale Counts, Lucy H. Gamble and Paul L. Kirk
Humanitarian and Security Challenges, Steven Lenahan
Human Relations Training for Police, George McManus
Human Rights and Homo-sectuals: The International Politics of Sexuality, Religion, and Law, Jeffrey A. Redding
Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Renaissance England, Sir John Baker
Human Sterilization Movement, The , J. H. Landman
Human Violence: A Comparison of Homicide, Aggravated Assault, Suicide, and Attempted Suicide, Alex D. Pokorny
Humiliation, Degradation, Penetration: What Legislatively Required Pre-Abortion Transvaginal Ultrasounds and Rape Have in Common, Kelsey Anne Green
Hygiene of Jails Lock-Ups and Police Stations, Oscar Dowling
Hypnosis and Legal Immntability, Sheldon S. Levy
Hypnosis of the Accused: Defendant's Choice, Catherine D. Nardi
IBM Mark Sense Cards in Prison Classification and Criminological Research , Bernard M. Bass and D. A. Dobbins
ICC in the Year 2011: Atrocity Crime Litigation Review for the Year 2011, Ashagrie Abdi, Jessica Dwinell, Kelly Hamren Anderson, Jamie Liebert, and Puspa Pokharel
ICTR in the Year 2011: Atrocity Crime Litigation Review for the Year 2011, Elena Baca, Jessica Dwinell, Chang Liu, Joy McClellan Dineo, Alexandra McDonald, and Takeshi Yoshida
ICTY in the Year 2011: Atrocity Crime Litigation Review for the Year 2011, Elena Baca, Kevin Jacopchek, Kristin Leasia, Matthew Young, and Jiayi Yue
Ideal Prison System, Eugene N. Foss
Ideals without Illusions: Corruption and the Future of a Democratic North Africa, Juliet Sorensen
Identification and Determination of Strychnine by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry, Sidney Kaye and Ebbe C. Hoff
Identification by Means of Revolver Chamber Markings, Edward G. Bigler
Identification of an Amnesia Victim by the Use of Scopolamine--An Experiment, Merle M. Mosier and Everett R. Hames
Identification of Checkwriters, The , David J. Purtell
Identification of Cloth Ash, The , J. D. Laudermilk
Identification of Crepe-Sole Shoes, Charles W. Zmuda
Identification of Extractor Marks on Fired Shells, Charles M. Wilson
Identification of Handprinting, The , James V. P. Conway
Identification of Letterpress and Halftone Printing , Sia Ram Gupta
Identification of Mineral Materials Other Than Soil by the Density Gradient Tube, Wilkaan Fong and Paul L. Kirk
Identification of Parking and Turn Signal Lenses, Wilkaan Fong, Milton Flohr, and George W. Roche
Identification of Scissors by Traces Left on Paper, Paul Chavigny
Identification of Seminal Stains, Sidney Kaye
Identification of Shells , Rosario Fontaine
Identification of Shotguns by Fired Shells, R. P. Kastogi
Identification of Skeletal Remains, Alice M. Brues
Identification of Skeletonized Remains by X-Ray Comparison , Harold Kade, Harvey Meyers, and James E. Wahlke
Identification of Typewriter Ribbons, Charlotte L. Brown and Paul L. Kirk
Identification of Typewriting--Problems Encountered with Shaded and Proportional Spacing Type Faces, Ordway Hilton
Identification Through Dental Records, Edward J. Ryan
Identification: United States v. Ash, 93 S. Ct. 2568 (1973)
Identifying and Treating Potential Alcoholics, Roger J. Williams
Identifying Ball Pens by the Burr Striations, David A. Black
Identifying the Typewriter Ribbon Used to Write a Letter a Case Study Employing New Techniques, Ordway Hilton
Ideology and Criminal Justice Policy: Some Current Issues, Walter B. Miller
If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it: Why the Grand Jury's Accusatory Function Should Not be Changed, Thomas P. Sullivan and Robert D. Nachman
Ignorance is Bliss, Especially for the Tax Evader, Mark C. Winings
Illegitimacy of One-Sided Speculation: Getting the Defensive Gun Use Estimate Down, Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz
Illinios Double Jeopardy Act: An Empty Gesture, Roy W. Sears
Illinois Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation , T. P. Sullivan
Illinois Crime Survey, The , Arthur V. Lashly
Illinois Death Penalty Reform: How It Happened, What It Promises, Rob Warden
Illinois Parole Law Method and Results of Administration, John L. Whitman
Illinois Penitentiary and Related Laws, W. Abraham Goldberg
Illinois v. Lidster: Continuing to Carve out Constitutional Vehicle Checkpoints, Jessica E. Nickelsberg
Illogical Variations in Sentences of Felons Committed to Massachusetts State Prison , Harold E. Lane
Illustrating the Fit of Glass Fragments, Donald F. Nelson
I Loved Joe, but I Had to Shoot Him: Homicide by Women in Turn-of-the-Century Chicago, Jeffrey S. Adler
Immaturity and Irresponsibility, Stephen J. Morse
Immigrant in the New York County Criminal Courts, Robert Ferrari
Immigration and Crime, Grace Abbott
Immoral Woman as Seen in Court, V. V. Anderson
Immunity and Subsequent Informal Punishment, James R. Troupis
Immunity from Seizure for Artworks on Loan to United States Museums, Rodney M. Zerbe
Immunity From Self-Incrimination Under the Federal Compulsory Testimony Act
Immunity--How it Works in Real Life, Warren D. Wolfson
Immunological Identification of Human Seminal Stains , T. W. Mischler and E. P. Reineke
Impact of Certainty and Severity of Punishment on Levels of Crime in American States: An Extended Analysis, The , George Antunes and A. Lee Hunt
Impact of Judicial Commentary Concerning Eyewitness Identifications on Jury Decision Making, The , Richard D. Katzev and Scott S. Wishart
Impeachment with Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence: Coming to Grips with the Perjurous Defendant, Jeffrey Cole
Implementation of the WTO Agreements: Framework and Reform, Xin Zhang
Implementing the Obligation of Advocacy in Review of Criminal Convictions, Larry I. Palmer
Implication of the Glueck Methodology for Criminological Research, Donald R. Taft
Implications for Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa under the African Growth Opportunity Act, Rebecca Trent
Importance of Adopting the Wasserman Test for Syphilis as a Routine Measure in the Examination of the Inmates of Penal Institutions, Edith R. Spaulding
Importance of Character Study in Criminology, Guy G. Fernald
Importance of Observation in Law Enforcement, Raymond A. Dahl
Impractibility, Mutual Mistake and Related Contractual Bases for Equitably Adjusting the External Debt of Sub-Saharan Africa, Jon H. Sylvester
Impressions of an American Voyage by a Polish Criminalist, J. Makarewicz
Improper Use of the Federal Grand Jury: An Instrument for the Internment of Political Activists, Michael E. Deutsch
Improved Crime Scene Investigations, Robert L. Collins
Improving Criminal Jury Verdicts: Learning from the Court-Martial , Robert F. Holland
Improving the Analysis and Presentation of Data on Case Processing Time, David W. Neubauer
Improving the Law Enforcement Image, Michael J. Murphy
Impulsive and Neurotic Inmates: A Study in Personality and Perception, Paul S. D. Berg and Hans H. Toch
Impulsive and Premeditated Homicide: An Analysis of Subsequent Parole Risk of the Murderer, Alfred B. Jr. Heilbrun, Lynn C. Heilbrun, and Kim L. Heilbrun
Impulsive Neuroses and Crime: A Critical Review, Ben Karpman
Inability to Remember--Its Analysis in Medicolegal Orientation, Lewis J. Siegal
Inadmissible Confessions and Their Fruits: A Comment on Harrison v. United States, Stanley Hirtle
Incapacitation of the Chronic Thug, The, Steve Van Dine, John P. Conrad, and Simon Dinitz
Incarcerated Mexican-American Delinquent, The , Alvin Rudoff
Incentive to Litigate: The Court's Rejection of Standing Requirements--Civil RICO: Sedima v. Imrex, 105 S. Ct. 3275 (1985), Terrence P. Canade
In Cold Type: Statutory Approaches to the Problem of the Offender as Author, Joel Rothman
Income Tax Treaty Shopping: An Overview of Prevention Techniques, Kenneth A. Grady
Increase in Medullary Index of Human Hair with the Passage of Time , H. S. Longia
Increases in Crime: The Utility of Alternative Measures, Roland J. Chilton and Adele Spielberger
Increasing the Accountability of Transactional Corporations for Environmental Harms: The Petroleum Industry in Nigeria, Alison Shinsato
Incremental International Tax Reform: A Review of Selected Proposals, David L. Cameron and Philip F. Postlewaite
In Defense of the Electrodermal Response and Cardiac Amplitude as Measures of Deception, Reginald D. Mac Nitt
In Defense of the Public Defender, Abram E. Adelman
Indefinite Commitment in a Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane: Two Models of Administration of Mental Health, Aldo Piperno
Indenture of Prisoners an Experiment, Jessie D. Hodder
Indeterminate Sentence and Release on Parole, Albert H. Hall
Indeterminate Sentence and Release on Parole, Edwin M. Abbott
Indeterminate Sentence and Release on Parole, Edwin M. Abbott
Indeterminate Sentence and Soviet Penal Law, M. A. Tsheltrow-Bebutow
Indeterminate Sentence Release on Parole and Pardon, Edwin M. Abbott
Indeterminate Sentence Release on Parole and Pardon, Edward Lindsey
Indeterminate Sentence Release on Parole and Pardon, Edward Lindsey
Indeterminate Sentence Release on Parole and Pardon, Edward Lindsey
Indeterminate Sentence Release on Parole and Pardon, Edward Lindsey
Indeterminate Sentence Release on Parole and Pardon, Edward Lindsey
Indeterminate Sentence Release on Parole and Pardon, Edward Lindsey
Indian Patent Law: Walking the Line, Johanna Sheehe
Indictment Sufficiency--The Lattimore Case
Indigent Defendant-Statutory Fines: Tate v. Short, 401 U.S. 395 (1971)
Indirect Control of Organized Crime Through Liquor License Procedure, Malcolm M. Gaynor
Indirect Taxation and 1992, Michel V.M. Van Beek
Individual Delinquent, Herman C. Stevens
Individual Delinquent, The , F. E. Haynes
Individual Differences in the Sentencing Tendencies of Judges, Frederick J. Gaudet; George S. Harris; and Charles W. St, John
Individualization and the Use of Predictive Devices, Sheldon Glueck
Individual Study of the Young Criminal, William Healy
Individual Treatment of the Offender, The , Amos W. Butler
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel: The Case for an Ex Ante Parity Standard, Donald A. Dripps
In Enron's Wake: Corporate Executives on Trial, Kathleen F. Brickey
Inference from Claim of Privilege by Accused , Walter T. Dunmore
Inferior Criminal Courts of New York City, Mary E. Paddon
Influence of Criminology on Criminal Law: Evaluating Arrests for Misdemeanor Domestic Violence, Lawrence W. Sherman
Influence of Environment on Identification of Persons and Things, Gustave A. Feingold
Influence of International Practice on the Revision of Article 5 of the UCC, James J. White
Influence of Journalism on Crime, Theodore Spector
Influence of the Bar in the Advance of Civilization, The , Samuel Rubin
Informal Code of Police Deviancy: A Group Approach to Blue-Coat Crime , Ellwyn R. Stoddard
Informational Paradox and the Pricing of Crime: Capital Sentencing Standards in Economic Perspective, Richard P. Adelstein
Information Concerning Adult Male Criminals which should be Published by Reformatories Penitentiaries and State Prisons, Sam B. Warner and Sanford Bates
Information Overload: Peace or War with the Computer, Leslie T. Wilkins
Informer Privilege, Melvin Gutterman
Infrared Examinations with an Electronic Image Converter, Richard J. Kuhn
Infrastructure for Commerce, Michael B. Likosky
Inheritance as a Factor in Criminality, Edith R. Spaulding and William Healy
Initial Failures in Rehabilitation among 16,965 Ohio State Reformatory Inmates, William P. DeStephens
Initiation, Escalation and Desistance in Juvenile Offending and Their Correlates, Rolf Loeber, Magda Stouthamer-Loeber, Welmoet Van Kammen, and David P. Farrington
Injury Investigations in "Material Retardation" Antidumping Cases, Prakash Narayanan
Injury Standards in Section 337 Investigations, Brian G. Brunsvold, Charles F. Schill, and Ursula Schwendemann
Inmate Rights and Prison Reform in Sweden and Denmark, David A. Ward
Inmate Self-Government, J. E. Baker
In Memoriam: Frank J. Cannavale 1942-1974, Terence P. Thornberry
In Memory of James Bronson Reynolds
Inner Containment and Delinquency , Gary F. Jensen
Innocents Convicted: An Empirical Justified Factual Wrongful Conviction Rate, D. Michael Risinger
In-Q-Tel: The Central Intelligence Agency as Venture Capitalist, John T. Reinert
Insanity and Criminal Responsibility, Edwin R. Keedy
Insanity and Criminal Responsibility, Edwin R. Keedy
Insanity and Criminal Responsibility, Edwin R. Keedy
Insanity and Criminal Responsibility, Edwin R. Keedy
Insanity and Criminal Responsibility, Edwin R. Keedy
Insanity and Criminal Responsibility, Edwin R. Keedy
Insanity and Criminal Responsibility, Victor P. Arnold
Insanity and Divorce , Alfred Gordon
Insanity as a Defense to Crime in Louisiana, W. O. Hart
Insanity as a Defense to Crime with Especial Reference to the Thaw Case, Frederick W. Griffin
In Scopolamine Veritas, Gilbert Geis
In Search of a Standard: "Serious Damage" in the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, John M. Jennings
In Search of Effective Policies for Foreign Direct Investment: Alternatives to Tax Incentive Policies, Kojo Yelpaala
In Search of the Impartial Jury, James J. Gobert
In-Service Training of Policemen by Universities and Colleges, G. Douglas Gourley
Insider Justice: Defense Attorneys and the Handling of Felony Cases, Peter F. Nardulli
Inside the Interrogation Room, Richard A. Leo
Inspection of Prisons in the Administration of Penal Institutions, Hector Beeche
In Spite of Its Good Intentions, the Dodd-Frank Act Has Created an FCPA Monster, Heidi L. Hansberry
Institutional Perspective on Policing, John P. Crank and Robert Langworthy
Institutions for Defective Delinquents, Louis N. Robinson
Instructing Police Officers in the Criminal Law, Daniel P. A. Sweeney and Louis L. Roos
Instructing Police Officers in the Criminal Law, Daniel P. A. Sweeney and Louis L. Roos
Instruction in Police Science , Robert H. Gault
Insurance Crimes, Alfred Manes
Insurance Motive Fires, Raymond L. Straeter
Integration of International Financial Regulatory Standards for the Chinese Economic Area: The Challenge for China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, Lawrence L.C. Lee
Integration of Negroes into the Urban Police Force, The , William M. Kephart
Integration of Police and Fire Services, Loren D. Ayres
Intelligence and Delinquency, J. Harold Williams
Intelligence and Delinquency, Harry Manuel Shulman
Intelligence of Delinquent Boys Committed to Wisconsin Industrial School, The , Morris Gilmore Caldwell
Intelligence, Race, and Age as Selective Factors in Crime, Vernon Fox
Intensive Search of a Suspect's Body and Clothing , Donald M. McIntyre and Nicholas D. Chabraja
Inter-American Economic Cooperation in the 1980's: The Need for a New U.S. Strategy, Abelardo L. Valdez
Inter- and Intra-Racial Crime Relative to Sentencing, Edward Green
Intermediaries’ Precarious Balance Within Europe: Oddly Placed Cooperative Burdens in the Online World, Anjanette H. Raymond
Internal Police Communications, John P. Kenney
International and Interstate Approaches to Taxing Business Income, David M. Hudson and Daniel C. Turner
International Application of American Antitrust Laws: Issues and Proposals, James A. Rahl
International Association of Penal Law
International Child Abduction to non-Hague Convention Countries: The need for an International Family Court, Ericka A. Schnitzer-Reese
International Commercial Arbitration in Cyberspace: Recent Developments, Ljiljana Biukovic
International Competitive Harm and Domestic Antitrust Laws: Forms of Analysis, David J. Gerber
International Conference on Criminal Law Administration
International Conference on Criminal Law Administration; Editorial
International Congress of Criminal Anthropology a Review, Edward Lindsey
International Convergence of Accounting Standards-Perspectives from the FASB on Challenges and Opportunities, Robert H. Herz and Kimberley R. Petrone
International Criminal Statistics: A Proposal , Marvin E. Wolfgang
International Criminal Tribunals: A Review of 2007, William A. Schabas
International Cryptography Regulation and the Global Information Economy, Nathan Saper
International Economic Conflict and Resolution, C. O'Neal Taylor
International Efforts to Control Narcotics, Norman Ansley
International Exchange of Fingerprints, John Edgar Hoover
International Financial Institutions Face the Corruption Eruption: If the IFIs put Their Muscle and Money Where Their Mouth is, the Corruption Eruption May be Capped, James P. Jr. Wesberry
International Franchising Arrangements and Problems in Their Negotiation, Warren Pengilley
International Governance through Trade Agreements: Patent Protection for Essential Medicines, Judy Rein
Internationalization of Revised UCC Article 5--Letters of Credit, James G. Barnes
Internationalization of Stock Markets: Potential Problems for United States Shareholders, John H. Ehrlich
International Jurisdiction in National Legal Systems: The Case of Antitrust, Diane P. Wood
International Law and Community Treaty-Making Power, Hans van Houtte
International Legal Practice Involving England and New York Following Adoption of the United Kingdom Legal Services Act of 2007, Sydney M. III Cone
International Murder Trial, William Renwick Riddell
International NGOs, the Arab Upheaval, and Human Rights: Examining NGO Resource Allocation, Gerald M. Steinberg
International Patent Licensing Agreements and Conflict of Laws, Giovanna Modiano
International Private Equity Valuation and Disclosure, Douglas Cumming, Andrej Gill, and Uwe Walz
International Regulation of the Sale and Use of Pesticides, Charlotte Uram
International Regulatory Responses to Derivative Crises: The Role of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission , Brooksley Born
International Restraints of Competition: A Regulatory Outline, Wernhard Moschel
International Tax Reform Should Begin at Home: Replace the Corporate Income Tax with a Territorial Expenditure, William B. Barker
International Trading Companies: Building on the Japanese Model, Robert W. Dziubla
International Union of Criminal Law, J. A. Van Hamel
International World Police , Barron Collier
Internet Jurisdiction Today, Adria Allen
Interrelatedness of Law Enforcement Programs: A Fundamental Dimension, Elmer H. Johnson
Interrogation of Sex Offenders , Albert Ellis
Interrogation under Drug Influence, C. W. Muehlberger
Interstate Rendition as Applied to a Person Brought Involuntarily into the Surrendering State, Forrest Revere Black
Interstate Traffic in Convict-Made Goods, J. A. C. Grant
Interviewing in the Prison Community , Rose Giallombardo
Interviewing Prison Inmates, Robert C. Sorensen
Interviewing the Sex Offender's Victim, Leroy G. Schultz
In the Light of Recent Developments What Should Be Our Policy in Dealing with the Delinquents Juvenile and Adult, Henry H. Goddard
Intimacy and Violence: Exploring the Role of Victim-Defendant Relationship in Criminal Law, Myrna Dawson
Introducing the Offender to Institutional Routine, James L. McCartney
Introduction, David Scheffer
Introduction, Walter Friedlander and W. Abraham Goldberg
Introduction, Rohan Sajnani
Introduction and Postscript: Partial Progress on UN Reform, Douglass Cassel
Introduction: Atrocity Crimes Litigation During 2007, David Scheffer
Introduction: Atrocity Crimes Litigation During 2008, David Scheffer
Introduction: Atrocity Crimes Litigation During 2010, David Sheffer
Introduction Symposium: Current Issues in Electronic Data Interchange
Introduction: Symposium on the Globalization of Private Equity: Changes in the International market and the Impact on Private Equity Investments , David Van Zandt
Introduction Symposium: Reflections on the International Unfication of Sales Law, Richard E. Speidel
Introduction Symposium: The Political Economy of International Trade Law and Policy , Kenneth W. Abbott
Introduction to Programed Instruction , John A. Spiech
Introduction to Rahl Symposium, Joel Davidow
Inversions under Section 7874 of the Internal Revenue Code: Flawed Legislation, Flawed Guidance, Jefferson P. VanderWolk
Investigating Arson Incentives, John Kennedy
Investigating Automobile Fire Causes, Glen A. Shifflett
Investigating the Interrelations among Social Control Variables and Conformity, Joseph H. Rankin
Investigating the Law of Arrest, Sam Bass Warner
Investigation of Arson--A Selected Bibliography, Richard C. Steinmetz
Investigation of Bombs and Explosions, C. W. Muehlberger
Investigation of Bombs and Explosions, C. W. Muehlberger
Investigation of Differences in Value Judgments Between Youthful Offenders and Non-Offenders in Puerto Rico, An , Angel Velez-Diaz and Edwin I. Megargee
Investigation of English Convicts and Criminal Anthropology, Sante de Sanctis
Investigation of Halliburton Co./TSKJ's Nigerian Business Practices: Model for Analysis of the Current Anti-Corruption Environment on Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Enforcement, Barbara Crutchfield George and Kathleen A. Lacey
Investigative Process, James W. Osterburg
Investigative Techniques Applied to Arson Investigation , John J. Savage
Investing in China's Telecommunications Market: Reflections on the Rule of Law and Foreign Investment in China, Leontine D. Chuang
Investing in Nigeria - The law, Good Intentions, Illusion and Substance, Richard J. Faletti
Investment of Prosecution Resources in Career Criminal Cases, William M. Rhodes
Involuntary Confessions: North Carolina v. Alford, 400 U.S. 25 (1970)
IOSCO: Its Mission and Achievement, A.A. Jr. Sommer
Irish Police Gleanings, Joseph Matthew Sullivan
Is Capital Punishment a Short-Term Deterrent to Homicide--A Study of the Effects of Four Recent American Executions, Sam G. McFarland
Is Gender Subordinate to Class--An Empirical Assessment of Colvin and Pauly's Structural Marxist Theory of Delinquency, Sally S. Simpson and Lori Elis
Islamic Principles Governing International Trade Financing Instruments: A Study of the Morabaha in English Law, Jason C. T. Chuah
Is Latin American Taxation Policy Appropriate for Promoting Foreign Direct Investment in the Region?, Hugo A. Hurtado
Is Mens Rea a Component of Perceived Offense Seriousness, Leslie Sebba
Isolation and Closure Theory of Naive Check Forgery, , Edwin M. Lemert
Isolation of the Police: A Comparison of the British and American Situations, John P. Clark
Is Parole Prediction a Science, Ray L. Huff
Is Punishment Necessary, Jackson Toby
Is Reformation Possible in Prison Today, E. R. East
Is Robbery Becoming More Violent an Analysis of Robbery Murder Trends Since 1968, Philip J. Cook
Is Somebody "Crying Wolf"?: An Assessment of Whether Antitrust Impedes Export Trade, John Will Ongman
Issue of Insanity in the Administration of Military Justice, The , Clarence E. Brand
Issues and Problems in Metropolitan Area Police Services, Virgil W. Peterson
Is the Administration of Criminal Law in Great Britain Preferable to that Practised in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Seymour H. Stone
Is the Connection Effective? Through the Maze of Section 864, Alan B. Stevenson
Is the Exclusionary Rule Dead?, Craig M. Bradley
Is there a Federal Consitutional Right to Counsel in Capital Post-Conviction Proceedings?, Michael A. Mello
Is There a New World Court?, Douglass Cassel
Is There a Subculture of Violence in the South , Howard S. Erlanger
Is There Evidence of a Physical Basis for Criminal Behavior, William B. Tucker
Italian Surveillance Judge, Elio D. Monachesi
It's Already Public: Why Federal Officers Should Not Need Warrants to Use GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices, John S. Ganz
It's an Ex Post Fact: Supreme Court Misapplies the Ex Post Facto Clause to Criminal Procedure Statutes, Danielle Kitson
It's Not Always about the Money: Why the State Identity Theft Laws Fail to Adequately Address Criminal Record Identity Theft, Michael W. Perl
Jack of All Trades: Integrated Multidisciplinary Practice, or Formal Referral System - Emerging Global Trends in the Legal and Accounting Professions and the Need for Accommodation of the MDP, Erica Blaschke Zolner
Jails Lockups and Police Stations, John L. Whitman
Jails Lockups and Police Stations, William T. Cross
Japan and the Bigness Mystique, Gary R. Saxonhouse
Japanese Labor Relations and Legal Implications of Their Possible Use in the United States, Marcia J. Cavens
Japanese Police, The , Harry Emerson Wildes
Japanese Police, The , Hidenori Nakahara
Japanese View of United States Trade Laws, A , Mitsuo Matsushita
Jeanneret v. Vichey: Sales of Illegally Exported Art under the Uniform Commercial Code, William Pearlstein
Jenkin Ratford Ordinary Born in London, William Renwick Riddell
Jewish Criminal Law and Legal Procedure, Max May
John F. Tyrrell, Pioneer Document Examiner--1861-1955, Donald Doud
John Henry Wigmore--Scholar and Reformer, William R. Roalfe
John L. Whitman--Dreamer and Doer , F. Emory Lyon
Johnson v. California: The Supreme Court Invades the States' Authority to Establish Criminal Procedures, Jacob Smith
Joint Venture Law in the Soviet Union: The 1920s and the 1980s, Adam J. Albin
Joint Ventures, Antitrust, and Transnational Cartelization, Walter Adams and James W. Brock
Joliet Prison and the Riots of June 5th, A. L. Bowen
Joseph T. Walker, Ph.D. 1908-1952, Richard Ford
Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science--1910-1960--A Brief Historical Note, Kurt Schwerin
Judge and the Grand Jury , Andrew A. Bruce
Judge Perkins' Criticism of the Y. C. A., John Barker Waite
Judges and the Legislature,The , Newman Levy
Judges' Rules and Police Interrogation in England Today , T. E. St. Johnston
Judicial Activism at the World Trade Organizational: Development Principles of Self-Restraint, J. Patrick Kelly
Judicial Admissions: Their Use in Criminal Trials, Patrick M. Wall
Judicial Aspersions on the Non-Religious , Frank Swancara
Judicial Backgrounds and Criminal Cases, Stuart S. Nagel
Judicial Complicity with Communal Violence in India, Sara Ahmad
Judicial Decisions and Sanction Patterns in Criminal Justice, Susette M. Talarico
Judicial Decisions of Criminal Law and Procedure
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Judicial Decisions on Criminal Law and Procedure , Chester G. Vernier
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Judicial Decisions on Criminal Law and Procedure
Judicial Decisions on Criminal Law and Procedure
Judicial Decisions on Criminal Law and Procedure
Judicial Decisions on Criminal Law and Procedure
Judicial Decisions on Criminal Law and Procedure
Judicial Gatekeeping of Police-Generated Witness Testimony, Sandra Guerra Thompson
Judicial Integrity: A Call for its Re-Emergence in the Adjudication of Criminal Cases, Robert M. Bloom
Judicial Intervention and Juvenile Corrections Reform: A Case Study of Jerry M. v. District of Columbia, Will Singer
Judicial Intervention in Prison Discipline
Judicial Politics and International Investment Arbitration: Seeking an Explanation for Conflicting Outcomes, David Schneiderman
Judicial Review of Death Sentences, Gary Goodpaster
Judicial Use of Psychonarcosis in France, The , J. P. Gagnieur
Judicial Versus Administrative Process at the Prosecution Stage, William A. White
Junk Science: The Criminal Cases, Paul C. Giannelli
Jurisdiction Intake and Socialized Justice, Frederick W. Killian
Jurisdiction over Crimes, Albert Levitt
Jurisdiction over Crimes, Albert Levitt
Juror Reactions to Attorneys at Trial, Shari Seidman Diamond, Jonathan D. Casper, Cami L. Heiert, and Anna-Maria Marshall
Jury Note-Taking in Criminal Trials, Donald S. Buzard
Jury Reform in Italy, Morris Ploscowe
Jury Simulation: The Impact of Judge's Instructions and Attorney Tactics on Decisionmaking, Robin Reed
Jury Trial--Juvenile Court: McKeiver v. Pennsylvania, 403 U.S. 528 (1971)
Jury Trial--Williams v. Florida, 399 U.S. 78 (1970)
Justice by Geography: Urban, Suburban, and Rural Variations in Juvenile Justice Administration, Barry C. Feld
Justice Department's Prosecution Guidelines of Little Value of State and Local Prosecutors, Leslie Donavan
Justice for Children: How Do We Get There, Thomas F. Geraghty
Justice in Sentencing: The Role of Prior Record of Criminal Involvement, Alexis M. III Durham
Justice Required: Using a Preservation-of-Court-Access Approach to Forum Non Conveniens in Five International Product-Injury Case Studies, Jeffrey A. Van Detta
Justice Versus Individualized Treatment in the Juvenile Court, David Bogen
Justifiable Homicide by Police Officers, Gerald D. Robin
Justifications and the Criminal Liability of Accessories, Douglas N. Husak
Justified Murder in Russia , Vladimir Haensel
Justifying Searches on the Basis of Equality of Treatment, Robert L. Misner
Just Say No Excuse: The Rise and Fall of the Intoxication Defense, Mitchell Keiter
Juvenile and the Tramp, Nels Anderson
Juvenile Court: Its Development and Some Major Problems, Robert G. Caldwell
Juvenile Court Movement in Ohio, The , F. R. Aumann
Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Disorganization, Hans von Hentig
Juvenile Delinquency and Housing in a Small City, Gordon H. Barker
Juvenile Delinquency a Product of the Home, T. Earl Sullenger
Juvenile Delinquency in a Small City, E. W. Burgess
Juvenile Delinquency in Britain during the War, M. E. Bathurst
Juvenile Delinquency in Ghana: A Comparative Analysis of Delinquents and Non-Delinquents, S. Kirson Weinberg
Juvenile Delinquency in Japan: Pre-War, War and Post-War Years, Walter A. Lunden
Juvenile Delinquency, Maladjustment and Maturity, Manuel Lopez-Rey
Juvenile Delinquency: Myth or Threat , Herbert A. Bloch
Juvenile Delinquency Proneness--A Study of Predictive Factors Involved in Delinquent Phenomena, Joseph K. Balogh
Juvenile Delinquency Under the Soviets, Nathan Berman
Juvenile Deliquency in Rural Michigan, Paul Wiers
Juvenile Justice: A Study of Juvenile Appeals to the Suffolk Superior Court, Boston, 1930-1935, Benedict S. Alper
Juvenile Offender in Norway, The , C. Terence Pihlblad
Juvenile Record Use in Adult Court Proceedings: A Survey of Prosecutors, Joan Petersilia
Juveniles' Competency to Stand Trial: Wading through the Rhetoric and the Evidence, Joseph B. Jr. Sanborn
Juvenilie Probation, Charles L. Chute
Juvenille Court and the Educatoinal System, Thomas D. Eliot
Kalina v. Fletcher: Another Qualification of Imbler's Prosecutorial Immunity Doctrine, Anne H. Burkett
Kaupp v. Texas: Breathing Life into the Fourth Amendment, Denise Robinson
Keeping Guns out of the Wrong Hands: The Brady Law and the Limits of Regulation, James B. Jacobs and Kimberly A. Potter
Keynote Address, Barbara Masekela
Khomeini and Criminal Justice: Notes on Crime and Culture, Graeme Newman
Kidnapping Federalism: United States v. Wills and the Constitutionality of Extending Federal Criminal Law into the States, M. Todd Scott
Kids, Groups and Crime: Some Implications of a Well-Known Secret, Franklin E. Zimring
Kindly Scot and His Ain La,The , William Renwick Riddell
King's Evil and High Treason, The , William Renwick Riddell
Korea's Competition Law and Policies in Perspective Symposium on Competition Law and Policy in Developing Countries , Youngjin Jung and Seung Wha Chang
Kyles v. Whitley: Death or Declaration, Ty Howton
Labeling Theory and Personal Construct Theory: Toward the Measurement of Individual Variation, Joseph A. Scimecca
Laboratory in the Study and Treatment of Crime, V. V. Anderson
Labor Conscription in the Prisons of Illinois, Thomas H. Kilbride
Labor Rights and the Democracy Movement in Iran: Building a Social Democracy, Farhad Nomani and Sohrab Behdad
Labor Unionism and Convict Labor, E. T. Hiller
La Guardia-Pyke Bomb Carriers, James A. Pyke
Landmarks in Typewriting Identification , David A. Crown
Last Days of Bail , John V. Ryan
Last of Its Kind: The Review of the Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation, The Symposium on European Competition Law , Fiona Carlin and Stephanie Pautke
Latent Fingerprints at High Temperatures, William W. Harper
Latin American Debt Obligations in the 1990s: Risk Strategies: Remedies and Judicial Enforcement, Lee C. Buchheit, Emilio Cardenas, Antonio Mendes, and Thomas Heather
Law and Order and the Criminal Justice System , Constance Baker Motley
Law and Police Practice: Restrictions in the Law of Interrogation and Confessions, Fred E. Inbau
Law and Practice in Probation and Parole Revocation Hearings, Ronald B. Sklar
Law and Practice of Field Interrogation , Wayland D. Pilcher
Law and Punishment in Early Renaissance Venice, Guido Ruggiero
Law and the Parameters of Acceptable Deviance, Mark A. Edwards
Law Enforcement and Burglary Insurance, Ezra B. Crooks
Law Enforcement and Public Opinion, Joseph Donald Craven
Law Enforcement Program for the State of Illinois, Earl H. De Long and Fred E. Inbau
Law of Pennsylvania Relating to Illegitimacy, W. Logan MacCoy
Law, Procedure, and Punishment in Early Bureaucracies, William Christie MacLeod
Law Relating to on the Street Detention, Questioning and Frisking of Suspected Persons and Police Arrest Privileges in General, Frank J. Remington
Law-Ways of the Primitive Eskimos, E. Adamson Hoebel
Law without Order in Chinese Corporate Governance Institutions, Donald C. Clarke
Lawyers and Diplomats: Some Personal Observations, William Jr. Bodde
Lawyers, Guns, and Money: What Price Justice, Timothy R. Terry
Lawyers in the Station House, Robert E. English
Lawyers, Law Firms, and the Stabilization of Transnational Business, John Flood and Fabian Sosa
Layman Looks at the Law in Many Courts, Albert S. Osborn
Leadership Phenomena in a Prison Community, Donald Clemmer
Learning from Error in American Criminal Justice, James M. Doyle
Learning from the Past, Living in the Present: Understanding Homicide in Chicago, 1870-1930, Leigh B. Bienen and Brandon Rottinghaus
Learning Lessons from India: The Recent History of Antiterrorist Legislation on the Subcontinent, Manas Mohapatra
Left Out By the Pied Piper: The U.N. Response to Children in Localized Conflict Settings, Mukul Saxena
Legal Acceptance of Electronic Documents, Writings, Signatures, and Notices in International Transportation Coventions: A Challenge in the Age of Global Electronic Commerce, Judith Y. Gliniecki and Ceda G. Ogada
Legal Aid for Poor Prisoners, Robert Ferrari
Legal Aid in Connecticut , Thomas Hewes
Legal Aid in Criminal Cases, Martin V. Callagry
Legal Aspects of Arson, William C. Braun
Legal Aspects of Convict Labor, Arthur H. Schwartz
Legal Aspects of the Kefauver Investigation, Joseph L. Nellis
Legal Criticisms of DNA Typing: Where's the Beef, Rockne P. Harmon
Legal Disparities in the Capital of Capital Punishment, Scott Phillips
Legal Enforcement of Morality, Kent Greenawalt
Legal Fictions and Criminology: The Jurisprudence of Drunk Driving , Lonn Lanza-Kaduce and Donna M. Bishop
Legal Frontiers in Prison Group Psychotherapy, David Sternberg
Legal Hurdles to Developing Wind Power as an Alternative Energy Source in the United States: Creative and Comparative Solutions, Adam M. Dinnell and Adam J. Russ
Legal Insanity in Criminal Cases Past, Present and Future, A. Moresby White
Legal Interrogation of Persons Accused or Suspected of Crime, Roscoe Pound
Legal Medicine at Harvard University, Frances Glessner Lee
Legal Methods for the Suppression of Organized Crime (A Symposium), Arthur Buller
Legal Methods for the Suppression of Organized Crime III--Circumventing the Corrupt Prosecutor, Louis Sunderland
Legal Methods for the Suppression of Organized Crime II--The Investigative Function of the Prosecuting Attorney, Marvin E. Aspen
Legal Pitfalls to Avoid in Criminal Interrogations, Fred E. Inbau
Legal Pitfalls to Avoid in Criminal Interrogations, Fred E. Inbau
Legal Protection of Computer Programs in the United Kingdom, Timothy S. Bishop
Legal Punishment, Social Disapproval and Internalization as Inhibitors of Illegal Behavior, Harold G. Grasmick and Donald E. Green
Legal Requirements of Preserving and Processing Evidence in Arson and Other Criminal Investigations, C. J. Rehling
Legal Services, Prisoners' Attitudes and Rehabilitation, Geoffrey P. Alpert, John M. Finney, and James F. Jr. Short
Legal Status of the National Guard under the Army Regorganization Bill, B. M. Chiperfield
Legislating Through the Use of Commentary: The Sentencing Commission's Interpretation of 994(h) of the Sentencing Reform Act, Jeffrey H. Knox
Legislation Concerning Alibis, Perjury, Self-Incrimination Immunity, Official Conduct, and Grand Juries, Warren P. Hill and Daniel Walker
Legislation Concerning Juvenile Delinquency in Vienna (Austria), Frank D. Hearly
Legislation in 1926, E. R. Cass
Legislation on Crime in Twenty-Five Years, Edward Lindsey
Legislative Needs of the State Police, David Geeting Monroe
Lesser Pleas Considered, Ruth G. Weintraub and Rosalind Tough
Let Sleeping Memories Lie--Words of Caution About Tolling the Statute of Limitations in Cases of Memory Repression, Gary M. Ernsdorff and Elizabeth F. Loftus
Letter From Canada, Joseph N. Ulman
Let Us Plan for People, Julius Isaacs
Level of Scienter Required for Child Pornography Distributors: The Supreme Court's Interpretation of Knowingly in 18 U.S.C. 2252, Christina Egan
Leveraging Death, Sherod Thaxton
Levi Strauss v. Tesco and E.U. Trademark Exhaustion: A Proposal for Change, Kimberly Reed
Liability of Government-Appointed Attorneys in State Tort Actions, Patricia B. Carlson
Liaiblity for Defective Products in the Soviet Union: Socialist Law Versus Soviet Reality, Bruce L. Ottley and Younghee Jin
Liaison Teaching of Psychiatry in Law Schools, Franklin G. Ebaugh and Roland A. Jefferson
Liberals, Conservatives, and the Exclusionary Rule, Lane V. Sunderland
Liberation Reconsidered: Understanding Why Judges and Juries Disagree about Guilt, Amy Farrell and Daniel Givelber
Liberty Interested in the Preventive State: Procedural Due Process and Sex Offender Community Notification Laws, Wayne A. Logan
Licensing Gunsmiths--A Necessity, Walter J. Howe
Licensing on the Global Information Infrastructure: Disharmony in Cyberspace, Raymond T. Nimmer
Lie-Detector Tests and Freedom of the Will in Germany
Life History of a Member of the 42 Gang , John Landesco
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Water: Evaluating Water as a Human Right and the Duties and Obligations it Creates, Amy Hardberger
Life Terms or Death Sentences: The Uneasy Relationship between Judicial Elections and Capital Punishment, Richard R. W. Brooks and Steven Raphael
Lighting the Torch of Human Rights: The Olympic Games as a Vehicle for Human Rights Reform, Julie H. Liu
Like Bamboo Shoots after a Rain: Exploiting the Chinese Law and New Regulations on Sino-foreign Joint Ventures, Zhang Yuqing
Limitations of the Lie Detector, Maurice Fioch
Limitations on an Accused's Right to Counsel, John W. Kerrigan
Limitations on Municipal Use of Parking Meters, William T. Jacobson
Limitations Upon the Prosecution's Summation to the Jury, A. Arthur Davis
Limited Space: Allocating the Geostationary Orbit, Michael J. Finch
Limiting Leon: A Mistake of Law Analogy, Robert L. Misner
Limits of Deterrence, Hans Von Hentig
Limits of Penal Treatment, The , Hans von Hentig
Lindesmith's Mythology, Twain Michelsen
Lindesmith v. Anslinger: An Early Government Victory in the Failed War on Drugs, John F. Galliher, David P. Keys, and Michael Elsner
Lion Roared Once, The - Foreword , James B. Zagel
Liquidating the Foreign Personal Holding Company: Alternative Considerations, Neil M. Goff
Litigating Claims over Foreign Government-Owned Corporations under the Commercial Activities Exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Sunil R. Harjani
Litigating the Meaning of FRAND, Latonia Gordon, Alden Abbott, Mark Snyder, Jorge L. Contreras, Chris Carani, and Jason Sheasby
Living Outside the Law: How the Informal Economy Frustrates Enforcement of the Human Rights Regime for Billions of the World's Most Marginalized Citizens, Brett J. Miller
Livingston Code, The , Elon H. Moore
Loan Sharks and Loan Shark Legislation in Illinois, Earle Edward Eubank
Loeb-Leopold Case, Hugh T. Patrick
Loeb-Leopold Case, Harry Olson
Loeb-Leopold Murder of Franks in Chicago May 21 1924, Richard Loeb
Lombroso's Theory of Crime, Charles A. Ellwood
London's Old Bailey, James Langham
Look Ahead in Misdemeanor Cases, Robert G. Simmons
Lost in the Judicial Wilderness: The Stateless Corporation after Matimak Trading, Mark Baker
Lost in Translation: Domestic Violence, the Personal is Political, and the Criminal Justice System, Kimberly D. Bailey
Lotteries, Stanley S. Smith
Lotteries, Stanley S. Smith
Louisiana's Newest Capital Crime: The Death Penalty for Child Rape, Annaliese Flynn Fleming
Lower Criminal Courts: The Perils of Procedure, John L. Barkai
Lunatics and Anarchists: Political Homicide in Chicago, Edward M. Burke
Lunch and Networking, Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
Luncheon, William Luers and Sir David Hannay
Lying: A Minor Inquiry into the Ethics of Neurotic and Psychopathic Behavior, Ben Karpman
Mail Fraud After McNally and Carpenter: The Essence of Fraud, Craig M. Bradley
Making Criminal Codes Functional: A Code of Conduct and a Code of Adjudication, Paul H. Robinson, Peter D. Greene, and Natasha R. Goldstein
Making the Punishment Fit the Crime, John Alan Hamilton
Making Time Pay Dividends, Chester D. Owens
Making WTO SPS Dispute Settlement Work: Challenges and Practical Solutions, Eric Gillman
Malingering Among Criminals, G. Frank Lydston
Managed Health Care in Prisons as Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Ira P. Robbins
Mandatory Prison Sentences: Their Projected Effects on Crime and Prison Populations, Joan Petersilia and Peter W. Greenwood
Mannington Mills, Inc. v. Congoleum Corp.: A Further Step Toward a Complete Subject Matter Jurisdiction Test, Walter S. Weinberg
Marc Rich: An Expansion of United States Criminal Jurisdiction over Foreign Defendants, Debra Pogrund Stark
Marihuana, M. H. Hayes and L. E. Bowery
Marital Relationships of Prisoners, Eugene Zemans and Ruth Shonle Cavan
Marital Relationships of Prisoners in Twenty-Eight Countries, Ruth Shonle Cavan and Eugene S. Zemans
Marriage Sterilization and Commitment Laws Aimed at Decreasing Mental Deficiency, Jessie Spaulding Smith
Marshalling of Proofs in Homicide Cases, Frederick T. Doyle
Martial Law and Crime, W. A. Gabrielson
Mass Forced Evictions and the Human Right to Adequate Housing in Zimbabwe, Sean Romero
Massiah, Escobedo, and Rationales for the Exclusion of Confessions, David Jr. Robinson
Material of Clinical Research in the Field of Criminology, David C. Peyton
Mathematical Model for Bullet Ricochet, Mohan Jauhari
Maui Police and the War, George Jr. Larsen
Maybe Soldiers Have Rights After All, Nicole E. Jaeger
Mayor Gaynor's Police Policy and the Crime Wave in New York City, Arthur W. Towne
MCA, Inc. v. United States: Judicial Recognition of the Separate Interests Theory, Daniel N. Zucker
McNamara Sentence Justified, Francis J. Heney
Meaning, Ambiguity and Legitimacy: Judicial (Re-)Construction of NAFTA Chapter 11, Ari Afilalo
Measurement of Acid Phosphatase Activity to Identify Seminal Stains, Claude B. Hazen
Measurement of Crime in the United States, Harry Manuel Shulman
Measurement of Delinquency in Canada, D. D. Akman, A. Normandeau, and S. Turner
Measurement of Delinquency in Montreal , Andre' Normandeau
Measuring Homicide by Police Officers, Lawrence W. Sherman and Robert H. Langworthy
Measuring Parole Officers' Work , David Dressler
Measuring Parole Violation, Harry Willbach
Measuring the Severity of Self-Reported Delinquency: The Development of a Seriousness Scale, Richard P. Kern and William D. Bales
Measuring the Severity of the Third Degree, Herman C. Beyle and Spencer D. Parratt
Meden Agan, William Renwick Riddell
Medical Expert Testimony Methods of Improving the Practice , William Schofield
Medical Psychological Aspects of Contemporary Alcoholism, Robert V. Seliger
Medical Waste Regulation in the United States: A Dire Need for Recognition and Reform, Christina Louise Martini
Medicine, the Law, and Juvenile Delinquency, Smith Ely Jelliffe
Medico-Legal Aspect of Morbid Impulses, Alfred Gordon
Medicolegal Aspects of Chemical Tests of Alcoholic Intoxication, I. M. Rabinowitch
Medicolegal Aspects of Chemical Tests of Alcoholic Intoxication: Comments on Dr. I. M. Rabinowitch's Paper, R. N. Harger
Medicolegal Aspects of Chemical Tests of Alcoholic Intoxication: Comments on Dr. I. M. Rabinowitch's Paper, C. W. Muehlberger
Medicolegal Aspects of Conflagrations, Frank R. Dutra
Medico-Legal Concepts of Criminal Insanity, Paul W. Tappan
Medico-Legal Insanity and the Hypothetical Question, L. Vernon Briggs
Medicolegal Proposals of the American Psychiatric Association , Karl A. Menninger
Medico-Legal Services of Prisoners' Aid Societies, Howard C. Hill
Medieval Theology in Modern Criminal Law, Frank Swancara
Meeting of the American Prison Association, F. Emory Lyon
Meeting of the Pennsylvania Branch, Louis N. Robinson
Meeting of the Wisconsin Branch of the Institute, C. B. Bird
Meeting the Insanity Defense, Thomas A. Flannery
Meeting the Prosecution's Case: Tactics and Strategies of Cross-Examination, George J. Cotsirilos
Meet the Gang , Bernard Rosenberg
Memorandum Concerning the National Symposium (2nd Series)--The Law of Homicide, Rollin M. Perkins
Memorials to Mr John Lisle and to Professor Charles Richmond Henderson, William N. Gemmill
Men in State Prison, Frank T. Rafferty
Mens Rea and Inchoate Crimes, Larry Alexander and Kimberly D. Kessler
Mens Rea for Sexual Abuse: The Case for Defining the Acceptable Risk, Eric A. Johnson
Menstruation and Aggressive Behavior in a Correctional Center for Women , Desmond P. Ellis and Penelope Austin
Mental Ability of One Hundred Inmates of the Columbus Workhouse, A. R. Gilliland
Mental Attitude Requirement in Criminal Law--and Some Exceptions, James B. Haddad
Mental Attitudes of Adults in a Juvenile Court, Frederick H. Allen
Mental Deficiency and the Importance of Its Recognition from a Medicolegal Standpoint, Alfred Gordon
Mental Deficiency Related to Crime , Edward J. Ferentz
Mental Disorder and Criminal Law, Stephen J. Morse
Mental Disorder and Criminal Responsibility, Sidney J. Tillim
Mental Examination of Police and Court Cases, Robert M. Yerkes
Mental Examination of Refomatory Prisoners, Guy G. Fernald
Mental Examination of Reformatory Cases, F. Kuhlmann
Mental Hygiene and Law, Clara Bassett
Mental Illness: A Sexually Violent Predator is Punished Twice for One Crime, Eli M. Rollman
Mental Illness in a State Penitentiary, W. R. Poindexter
Mental Tests and Practical Judgments, Leon A. Carley
Mental Types of Juvenile Delinquents Considered in Relation to Treatment, Clara Harrison Town
Merger Control in the European Community: The EC Regulation "On the Control of Concentrations Between Undertakings" and Implementing Guidelines, Terence P. Stewart and Delphine A. Abellard
Merger Control Review in the United States and the European Union: Working towards Conflict Resolution, Kathryn Fugina
Merger Policy and Industrial Policy , Keith Cowling
Merits of Merit Systems, Parker L. Norton
Merits of Ratifying and Implementing the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Jonathan A. Glass
Metallurgical Examinations in Criminal Cases, Gustav W. Pirk
Methanex v. United States: The Realignment of NAFTA Chapter 11 with Environmental Regulation, Kara Dougherty
Method and Results of Parole, W. H. Eichhorn
Method of Obtaining Finger Prints for Identification by Histologic Section, A , Charles A. Davis
Methodological Assumption in a Social-Psychological Theory of Criminality , Frank E. Hartung
Methodological Issues in Survey Research on the Inhibition of Crime, David F. Greenberg
Methodological Problems in Victim Surveys and Their Implications for Research in Victimology, Anne L. Schneider
Methods of Criminological Inquiry, Arthur Evans Wood
Methods of Selecting Prison Personnel, D. E. Lundberg
Metropolitan and State Police, P. O. Ray
Metropolitan and State Police, P. O. Ray
Mexico's Banks after the December 1994 Devaluation--A Chronology of the Government's Response, Roy A. Karaoglan and Mike Lubrano
Mexico's False Dilemma: Human Rights or Security , Laura Carlsen
Mexico's Tres Marias Penal Colony , Donald P. Jewell
Michigan's Experiment in Minimum Security Penology, Vernon Fox
Michigan State Police , Oscar G. Olander
Micro-Crystal Identification Tests for Morphine, Heroin, Dilaudid, and Cocaine, Charles C. Fulton and John B. Dalton
Microdetermination of Specific Gravity in Forensic Chemistry , Paul L. Kirk and Robert Russel
"Micro-Management": Constitutional and Policy Concerns Arising from India's Microfinance Institutions (Development and Regulation) Bill, Ashley Becker
Microscope and Photomicrography in Criminal Investigation, The , E. Carleton Hood
Microscopic Evidence--Its Use in the Investigation of Crime, Paul L. Kirk
Military Courts of Paris , Robert Ferrari
Military Justice in the German Air Force During World War II, Edith Rose Gardner
Military Justice: Parker v. Levy, 417 U.S. 733 (1974)
Military Neuro Psychiatry, Discipline and Morale , P. S. Madigan
Military Orders as a Defense in Civil Courts, A. W. Brown
Military Penal Law a Brief Survey of the 1920 Revision of the Articles of War, William C. Rigby
Military Police Functions, J. V. Dillon
Military Service and Criminality, Walter A. Lunden
Milwaukee Police Bomb Wagon, Joseph Kluchesky
Mind of the Murderer, Edward Podolsky
Mining Gold in a Conflict Zone: The Context, Ramifications, Lessons of AngeloGold Ashanti's Activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Brandon Prosansky
Minority-Group Criminality and Cultural Integration, Arthur Lewis Wood
Minority Report, William T. Belfield
Minor Survey of the Administration of Criminal Justice in Hartford, New Haven and Bridgeport , Florence L. C. Kitchelt and Tierra Farrow
Miranda in a Juvenile Setting: A Child's Right to Silence, Larry E. Holtz
Miranda's Exceptions in a Post-Dickerson World, Susan R. Klein
Misconceptions about Juvenile Delinquency , Edward H. Stullken
Missouri Plan for Selection and Tenure of Judges, Laurance M. Hyde
Missouri v. Seibert: Two-Stepping towards the Apocalypse, Stewart J. Weiss
Mistake and Impossibility, Law and Fact, and Culpability: A Speculative Essay, Kenneth W. Simons
Mistake of Fact in the Objective Theory of Justification: Do Two Rights Make Two Wrongs Make Two Rights, Russell L. Christopher
Mitigating the Dangers of Capital Convictions Based on Eyewitness Testimony Through Treason's Two-Witness Rule, Monika Jain
Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc: International Arbitration and Antitrust Claims, Lisa Sopata
MMPI and Criminal Recidivism , Nathan G. Mandel and Alfred J. Barron
Mobility and the Establishment of a Career System in Police Personnel Administration, Gordon E. Misner
Mob Violence and the Prosecuting Attorney , Robert M. Karton
Model Jail Architecture, W. Carbys Zimmerman
Modern Accident Investigation, Don J. Finney
Modern Estimates of Two Infamous Judges and the Lesson of the Reputations of Jeffreys and Braxfield, Frank W. Grinnell
Modernization of Criminal Procedure, Robert W. Millar
Modern Methods of Identification by Laundry and Cleaners' Marks, Adam Yulch
Modern Penal Methods in Our Army, John H. Wigmore
Modern Printing Processes, Lucile P. Lacy
Modification of the Marston Deception Test, John A. Larson
Modified Crime Indices for Eight Countries, Kenneth Pease, Judith Ireson, and Jennifer Thorpe
Modifying the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: The Search for a Practical Standard, John W. Duncan
Modus Operandi System in the Detection of Criminals, Raymond B. Fosdick
Money Laundering and Its Current Status in Switzerland: New Disincentives for Financial Tourism, Rebecca G. Peters
Montana v. Egelhoff--Reflections on the Limits of Legislative Imagination and Judicial Authority, Ronald J. Allen
Mootness--Contingent Collateral Consequences in the Context of Collateral Challenges, G. Andrew Watson
Moral Appropriateness, Capital Punishment, and the Lockett Doctrine, Louis D. Bilionis
Morale in a Police Department, B. W. Gocke
Morals and the Criminal Law, Richard C. Fuller
Morbid Impulses from the Medico-Legal Standpoint, Alfred Gordon
More About Police Literature, E. Caroline Gabard
More about Public Safety v. Individual Civil Liberties, Fred E. Inbau
More about Public Safety v. Individual Civil Liberties, Fred E. Inbau
More Discriminative Instrument for the Identification of Potential Delinquents at School Entrance, Eleanor T. Glueck
More than Best Friends: Expansion of Global Law Firms into the Indian Legal Market, Chris Vena
More than Zero: Accounting for Error in Latent Fingerprint Identification, Simon A. Cole
Morphinism, L. L. Stanley
Morphinism and Crime, L. L. Stanley
Most Effective Methods of Dealing with Cases of Desertion and Non-Support, William H. Baldwin
Motor Fleet Operation, E. I. Hockaday
Motor Freight Brokers: A Tale of Federal Regulatory Pandemonium, Jeffrey S. Kinsler
Motor Scooter--An Answer to a Police Problem , Johannes F. Spreen
Motor Vehicular Suicides, Richard Ford and A. L. Moseley
Mr. Justice Felix Frankfurter 1882-1965, J. Edward Lumbard
Mullner Moulage Method , Hans Mullner
Multi-Jurisdictional and Successive Prosecution of Environmental Crimes: The Case for a Consistent Approach, John F. Cooney
Multilingual Prospective Jurors: Assessing California Standards Twenty Years after Hernandez v. New York, Farida Ali
Multinational Regulatory Competition and Single-Stock Futures , Frank Partnoy
Multiple Victimization: Evidence, Theory, and Future Research, Richard F. Sparks
Municipal Police Performance Rating, George N. Beck
Murder and Suicide in Forty Non-Literate Societies, Stuart Palmer
Murder and the Death Penalty, E. H. Sutherland
Murder and the Death Penalty, William C. Bailey
Murder by Government, Robert M. W. Kempner
Murder, the Pardon Board, and Recommendations by Judges and District Attorneys, Marvin E. Wolfgang
My Brother, My Witness against Me: The Constitutionality of the against Penal Interest Hearsay Exception in Confrontation Clause Analysis, Sarah D. Heisler
Myth of the Wide-Open Town, Virgil W. Peterson
NAFTA and the Environment: A Trade-Friendly Approach, Bradly J. Condon
NAFTA's Rule of Origin and its Effect on the North American Automotive Industry, Jonathan M. Cooper
Narcoanalysis in Law Enforcement, Andre A. Moenssens
Narcointerrogation of a Criminal Suspect, Charles E. Sheedy
Narcotic Addiction, Arnold Z. Pfeffer
Narcotic Addiction and Criminality, Pablo Osvaldo Wolff
Narcotic Drugs and Crime, L. L. Stanley
National and International Sources of Women's Right to Equal Employment Opportunities: Equality in Law Versus Equality in Fact, Jill Andrews
National Association of County and Prosecuting Attorneys, The
National Crime Commission Conference , E. R. Cass
National Panasonic (U.K.) Ltd. v. Commission of the European Communities: The Common Market's First Look at Warrantless Searches in Antitrust Investigations, Catherine C. Gale
National Police College of England and Wales, The , Fred Baddeley
National Program to Develop Probation and Parole, Joseph N. Ulman
National Series on State Judicial Criminal Statistics Discontinued, Harry Alpert
Natural Rights and Modern Constitutionalism, Michael Zuckert
Nature and Limits of the Pardoning Power, William W. Smithers
Naval Justice, O. S. Colclough
Nazi Penal System--II, The , Frederick Hoefer
Necessity for a Public Defender, Mayer C. Goldman
Necessity for a Revision of Our Criminal Procedure, Eugene Lankford
Necessity for Public Defender Established by Statistics, Walton J. Wood
Needed Reforms in Criminal Law and Procedure, William P. Lawlor
Needed Reforms in the Law of Expert Testimony, Edward J. McDermott
Need For New Concepts in the Administration of Criminal Justice, Erle Stanley Gardner
Need for Socializing Court Procedure in Commitments to the State Training Schools for the Feeble-Minded, Nellie L. Perkins
Need for Uniform Reciprocal Criminal Laws, The , Edwin M. Abbott
Need of New Criminological Classification, A. Bullard
Needs and Goals for Police Training, A. G. Barry
Need the Propriety and Basis of Martial Law with a Review of the Authorities, George S. Wallace
Need the Propriety and the Basis of Martial Law with a Review of the Authorities, George S. Wallace
Negligent Homicide or Manslaughter: A Dilemma, Frank A. Karaba
Negro Crime and Strong Drink, Booker T. Washington
Negro Offender in a Northern Industrial Area, The , Vernon Fox and Joann Volakakis
Neighborhood Differences in Attitudes Toward Policing: Evidence For a Mixed-Strategy Model of Policing in a Multi-Ethnic Setting, Roger G. Dunham and Geoffrey P. Alpert
Nestle, Infant Formula, and Excuses: The Regulation of Commercial Advertising in Developing Nations, Caryn L. Finkle
Net Neutrality: Government Overreach or the Key to Innovation?, Lee Selwyn, Hal Singer, Robert Friedman, and Jeffrey Armstrong
Net Transparency: Post-Comcast FCC Authority to Enforce Disclosure Requirements Critical to “Preserving the Open Internet”, Amanda Leese
Network Industries, Third Party Access and Competition Law in the European Union, Carlos Lapuerta and Boaz Moselle
Networks in International Economic Integration: Fragmented States and the Dilemmas of Neo-Liberalism, Sol Picciotto
Never Going Home: Does It Make Us Safer - Does It Make Sense - Sex Offenders, Residency Restrictions, and Reforming Risk Management Law , Caleb Durling
New Conception of Moral Behavior, A , E. Mira
New Criminal Anthropology, The , Quintiliano Saldana
New Day Opens for Parole, A , Winthrop D. Lane
New Developments in Law in the People's Republic of China, Stanley B. Lubman
New Developments in the Foreign Tax Credit: The Treasury Department Attempts to Define and Income Tax, David F. Nitschke
New Directions for Parole Prediction Research , Charles W. Dean
New E.C. Merger Control Test under Article 2 of the Merger Control Regulation, The Symposium on European Competition Law , Alexander Riesenkampff
New EC Merger Regulation: A First Assessment of Its Practical Impact, The Symposium on European Competition Law , Werner Berg
New Federal Criminal Census, Sam B. Warner
New Frontiers in EEC Air Transport Competition, Virginia J. Clarke
New Korean Criminal Code of October 3, 1953--An Analysis of Ideologies Embedded in it, The , Paul Kichyun Ryu
New Legislation Permitting Stock Futures: The Long and Winding Road, William J. Brodsky
New Lombrosianism, The , Margaret Wooster Curti
Newly Revised Income Tax Treaty with France: A Breakthrough in U.S. Tax Treaty Law, Stephanie H. Simonard
New Method in Crime Statistics Applied to the Population of Sweden, Gunnar Dahlberg
New Method of Dispensing Tear Gas in Dealing With Riots and Mobs, Maynard H. Finley
New Methods in the Promotion of Constables to Sergeants in the New Zealand Police Force , J. G. Caughley and A. J. W. Taylor
New Mode of Identifying Criminals, A , John H. Wigmore
New Nondestructive Document Testing Methods, Linton Godown
New Penal System, A , G. R. Mursell
New Penology, Thomas E. Murphy
New Perspectives in Police Statistics, John I. Griffin
New Players for the Old Tobacco Game: the Czech Republic and Romania; It's Time to Change the Rules, Susan Meyer
New Police College Opened in Britain, R. E. Harris
New Prison Program of Italy, Nathaniel Cantor
New Problems for the Police within the European Art Business, Heinrich F. Tegel
New Procedures of Scientific Investigation and the Protection of the Accused's Rights, Oliver Jr. Schroeder
Newspaper and Radio Coverage of Criminal Trials: A Modern Dilemma, Charles W. White
Newspaper Opinion and Crime in Boston, Logan Wilson
New System of Criminal Procedure, Maurice Parmelee
New Techniques for Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography and Possible Other Forensic Applications, Edgars Rudzitis
New Theory of the Perpetrator and the Duties of the Psychiatrical Expert, W. Eliasberg
New Thinking in Criminal Statistics, Leslie T. Wilkins
New Transfer Pricing Rules in Brazil, Alexandre Tadeu Seguim
New Trends in the Practical Application of ICC Rules of Arbitration, Yves Derains
New Ventures of Law Enforcement in Israel , David Reifen
New York City Police Department Launches New Public Relation Policy, Cedric Larson
New York Public Defender, William Dean Embree
New York Smashes the Lunacy Commission Racket, Thomas C. Desmond
New York State Bar Association Questionnaire Some Comments, Smith Ely Jelliffe
New York v. Class: A Little-Noticed Case with Disturbing Implications, Tracey Maclin
New Zealand Prison System, Edgar C. Baldock
Next One Hundred Years in Probation, The , Sanford Bates
Nigger: A Critical Race Realist Analysis of the N-Word within Hate Crimes Law, Gregory S. Parks and Shayne E. Jones
Ninth International Prison Congress, Amos W. Butler
No Comprendo: The Non-English-Speaking Defendant and the Criminal Process, Joan Bainbridge Safford
No Exception for No: Rejection of the Exculpatory No Doctrine, Lauren C. Hennessey
No Good Whistle Goes Unpunished: Can We Protect European Antitrust Leniency Applications from Discovery?, Constanza Nicolosi
No Instructions Required: Due Process and Post-Deprivation Remedies for Property Seized in Criminal Investigations, Nyika Prendergast
Noiseless Rackets I Have Heard, Daniel J. Gillin
No Means No: Withdrawal of Consent during Intercourse and the Continuing Evolution of the Definition of Rape, Matthew R. Lyon
Nomination of a Commission for the Positivist Reform of the Italian Penal Code, Enrico Ferri
Non-Coercive Interrogation and the Administration of Criminal Justice: The Impact of Miranda on Police Effectuality, James W. Witt
Non-Lawyers in International Commercial Arbitration: Gathering Splinters on the Bench, James E. Meason and Alison G. Smith
Nonsupport Actions and the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement Support Act
Nonviolent Civil Disobedience and Police Enforcement Policy , J. L. LeGrande
Norms and Criminal Law, and the Norms of Criminal Law Scholarship, Robert Weisberg
Northwestern University's Centennial
Northwestern University's Tenth Annual Short Course for Prosecuting Attorneys
“No” Still Means “Yes”: The Failure of the “Non-Consent” Reform Movement in American Rape and Sexual Assault Law, John F. Decker and Peter G. Baroni
Notable Trial for Slave-Trading, A , William Renwick Riddell
Not All Carried Interests Are Created Equa, Adam H. Rosenzweig
Note on Plans for Further Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency, Sheldon Glueck and Eleanor T. Glueck
Note on the History of Forensic Medicine of the Middle Ages, Charles Greene Cumston