Volume 9, Issue 3 (1989) Winter
Putting 1992 in Perspective
Mark L. Jones
Fortress Europe: The Myth
Martin Bangemann
Towards the Harmonization of EC-Member States' Regulations on Takeover Bids: The Proposal for a Thirteenth Council Directive on Company Law
Nathalie Basaldua
Towards a European Company Law
Dominique Carreau and William L. Lee
Indirect Taxation and 1992
Michel V.M. Van Beek
Banking Integration in the European Community
George Zavvos
Does Exposure to International Trade Justify Relaxed Antitrust Treatment of Mergers
William James Adams
Merger Policy and Industrial Policy
Keith Cowling
Problem of Mergers
H.W. de Jong
Japan and the Bigness Mystique
Gary R. Saxonhouse