Volume 10, Issue 1 (1989) Spring
Professor and Dean James A. Rahl
David S. Ruder
A Tribute to Professor James A. Rahl
Rene Joliet
An International Antitrust Challenge
James A. Rahl
Introduction to Rahl Symposium
Joel Davidow
Competition of Competition Laws
Karl M. Meessen
International Restraints of Competition: A Regulatory Outline
Wernhard Moschel
We Need More "Old-Time Relglion": A Response To Jim Rahl
Douglas E. Rosenthal
The Ambivalence of United States Antitrust Policy Towards Single-Country Export Cartels
Spencer Weber Waller
European Community Competition Law and Member State Action
John Temple Lang
Harmonization: A Doctrine for the Next Decade
Mark R. Joelson
Antitrust and the Future: World Markets, Transnational Restraints
Eleanor M. Fox and Lawrence A. Sullivan
The Janus-Face of Competition Policies
Kurt Stockmann
GATT and the Half-Life of Uranium Industry Protection
James R. Wilch