Content Posted in 2018
13th Annual Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property Symposium Panel Discussion: Medical Technology, Laura Pedraza-Fariña, Rod Passman, Ann Marie Wahls, Hari Santhanam, and Valerie Eaton
A Broken Windows Theory of Sexual Assault Enforcement, Erin Sheley
Accountability Claims in Constitutional Law, Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos
Agency Underenforcement as Reviewable Abdication, Jentry Lanza
A Lesson from Goodfellas: Why Current Illinois Consideration Based Pension Reform Proposals Still Fail, Lari A. Dierks
A Meeting of Innovation Minds, Andrew W. Torrance and Eric von Hippel
A More Just System of Juvenile Justice: Creating a New Standard of Accountability for Juveniles in Illinois, Brooke Troutman
Anti-Innovation Norms, Stephanie Plamondon Bair and Laura G. Pedraza-Fariña
A “Silk Road” for Capital: Trade Policy and Foreign Investment Laws of China’s Neighbors, Zachary Strom
Blind Justice: Why the Court Refused to Accept Statistical Evidence of Discriminatory Purpose in McCleskey v. Kemp—And Some Pathways for Change, Reva B. Siegel
Break, Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
Break, Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
Break, Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
Break, Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
Bridges II: The Law-STEM Alliance & Next Generation Innovation, David L. Schwartz, Leslie Oster, Devin R. Desai, Jay P. Kesan, Pierre Larouche, Daryl Lim, Ivory Mills, Pilar Ossorio, Laura Pedraza-Fariña, Jacob S. Sherkow, Jessica Silbey, D. Daniel Sokol, Harry Surden, Ryan Whalen, and Christopher S. Yoo
Building a Better HAL 9000: Algorithms, the Market, and the Need to Prevent the Engraining of Bias, Anjanette H. Raymond, Emma Arrington Stone Young, and Scott J. Shackelford
Challenging the Rhetorical Gag and TRAP: Reproductive Capacities, Rights, and the Helms Amendment, Michele Goodwin
Check-In, Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
Cheers to Central Hudson: How Traditional Intermediate Scrutiny Helps Keep Independent Craft Beer Viable, Daniel J. Croxall
Collective Action Clauses as a Solution to Holdouts in Puerto Rico’s Unique Debt Crisis: Lessons Learned from Argentina, Sumer B. Marquette
Combating Discrimination Against the Formerly Incarcerated in the Labor Market, Ifeoma Ajunwa and Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Contractual Joint Ventures in International Investment Arbitration, Dmitry A. Pentsov
Death in America under Color of Law: Our Long, Inglorious Experience with Capital Punishment, Rob Warden and Daniel Lennard
Deference and Prisoner Accommodations Post-Holt: Moving RLUIPA Toward "Strict in Theory, Strict in Fact", Barrick Bollman
Design Law Panel, David Schwartz, Chris Carani, and Bob Sacoff
Diversity Entitlement: Does Diversity-Benefits Ideology Undermine Inclusion?, Kyneshawau Hurd and Victoria C. Plaut
Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Criminal History: Why an Anti-Discrimination Statute is a Necessary Remedy, Elizabeth Westrope
Equal Protection and the Social Sciences Thirty Years After McCleskey v. Kemp, Destiny Peery and Osagie K. Obasogie
Equal Protection and White Supremacy, Paul Butler
Equal Protection Under the Carceral State, Aya Gruber
Eyes Wide Open: What Social Science Can Tell Us About the Supreme Court's Use of Social Science, Jonathan P. Feingold and Evelyn R. Carter
Eyes Wide Open: What Social Science Can Tell Us About the Supreme Court's Use of Social Science, Jonathan P. Feingold and Evelyn R. Carter
Foreword, Daniel B. Rodriguez
“Indian” as a Political Classification: Reading the Tribe Back into the Indian Child Welfare Act, Allison Krause Elder
Innovating Criminal Justice, Natalie Ram
Insider Tainting: Strategic Tipping of Material Nonpublic Information, Andrew Verstein
Judicial Mistakes in Discovery, Diego A. Zambrano
Kassouf-The Sixth Circuit's Misguided Attempt to Rein in the IRS, Brian Valcarce
Keynote Speech, James O. Wilson
Legal Technology Panel, Dan Katz, Thomas Hamilton, Casetext Product Management Team, and Christian Lee
Leveraging Social Science Expertise in Immigration Policymaking, Ming H. Chen
Litigating Trauma as Disability in American Schools, Taylor N. Mullaney
Localism, Labels, and Animal Welfare, Samuel R. Wiseman
Lone Wolf Terrorism, Khaled Beydoun
Lone Wolf Terrorism: Types, Stripes, and Double Standards, Khaled A. Beydoun
Lunch / Entrepreneurship & Venture Capital Panel, Darren Green, Shanan Essick, Aaron Chockla, and Max Temkin
McCleskey v. Kemp: Field Notes from 1977-1991, John Charles Boger
MDL v. Trump: The Puzzle of Public Law in Multidistrict Litigation, Andrew D. Bradt and Zachary D. Clopton
MDL v. Trump: The Puzzle of Public Law in Multidistrict Litigation, Andrew D. Bradt and Zachary D. Clopton
Medical Technology Panel, Laura Pedraza-Fariña; Rod Passman; Ann Marie Wahls; Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Partner; and Valerie Eaton
Moving Beyond Consent For Citizen Science in Big Data Health and Medical Research, Anne S.Y. Cheung
Mutating Marks: Refusing to Lose the Trademark Trail, Robert W. Emerson and Katharine C. Collins
Not Fully Discretionary: Incorporating a Factor-Based Standard into the FTCA's Discretionary Function Exception, Daniel Cohen
Not Yet Gone, and Not Yet Forgotten: The Reasonableness of Continued Mandatory Detention of Noncitizens Without a Bond Hearing, Miriam Peguero Medrano
"Our Taxes Are Too Damn High": Institutional Racism, Property Tax Assessment, and the Fair Housing Act, Bernadette Atuahene
Parental Prisoners: The Incarcerated Mother's Constitutional Right to Parent, Emily Halter
"Playing It Safe" with Empirical Evidence: Selective Use of Social Science in Supreme Court Cases About Racial Justice and Marriage Equality, Russell K. Robinson and David M. Frost
Policy Considerations and Implications in United States v. Bryant, Jessica Larsen
Poor States or Poor Governance? Explaining Outcomes in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Daniel Behn, Tarald Laudal Berge, and Malcolm Langford
Precedent and Constitutional Structure, Randy J. Kozel
Reconciling Agency Fee Doctrine, the First Amendment, and the Modern Public Sector Union, Courtlyn G. Roser-Jones
Reconsidering Incitement, Tinker and The Heckler’s Veto on College Campuses: Richard Spencer and the Charlottesville Factor, Clay Calvert
Reduced Culpability Without Reduced Punishment: A Case for Why Lead Poisoning Should be Considered a Mitigating Factor in Criminal Sentencing, Eleanor Kittilstad
Rethinking the Dormant Commerce Clause?: Climate Change and Food Security, Michael Barsa
Soda Taxes as a Legal and Social Movement, David A. Dana and Janice Nadler
Technological Incarceration and the End of the Prison Crisis, Mirko Bagaric, Dan Hunter, and Gabrielle Wolf
The Concept of “Unusual Punishments” in Anglo-American Law: The Death Penalty as Arbitrary, Discriminatory, and Cruel and Unusual, John D. Bessler
The Effects of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Activity and Police-Citizen Encounters: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Anthony A. Braga; William H. Sousa; James R. Coldren, Jr.; and Denise Rodriguez
The Fourth Amendment in the Age of Persistent Aerial Surveillance, John Pavletic
The Futile Fourth Amendment: Understanding Police Excessive Force Doctrine Through an Empirical Assessment of Graham v. Connor, Osagie K. Obasogie and Zachary Newman
The Local-Control Model of the Fourth Amendment, Michael J. Zydney Mannheimer
The New Chinese Foreign Investment Law and Its Implication on Foreign Investors, Meichen Liu
The Public Defender's Pin: Untangling Free Speech Regulation in the Courtroom, Michael Kagan
The Regulatory Challenge of Public Corruption, Lauren M. Ouziel
The Republican Party, Conservatives, and the Future of Capital Punishment, Ben Jones
The Second Amendment in the Street, Nirej Sekhon
The Thin Blue Line from Crime to Punishment, Alice Ristroph
The Transformation of South African Private Law After Twenty Years of Democracy, Christopher J. Roederer
Transforming Corporate Governance in Chinese Corporations: A Journey, Not a Destination, Andrew Keay and Jingchen Zhao
Unmarked? Criminal Record Clearing and Employment Outcomes, Jeffrey Selbin, Justin McCrary, and Joshua Epstein
Virtual Shackles: Electronic Surveillance and the Adultification of Juvenile Courts, Chaz Arnett
Welcome Remarks, Northwestern Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
What Can Brown Do for You?: Addressing McCleskey v. Kemp as a Flawed Standard for Measuring the Constitutionally Significant Risk of Race Bias, Mario L. Barnes and Erwin Chemerinsky
What Conflict Minerals Rules Tell Us about the Legal Transplantation of Corporate Social Responsibility Standards without the State: From the United Nations to the United States to Taiwan, Chang-hsien Tsai and Yen-nung Wu
Whitewashing Expression: Using Copyright Law to Protect Racial Identity in Casting, Brandon Johnson
Zombie Religious Institutions, Elizabeth Sepper