Content Posted in 2014
A Call for Aggressive Media Campaign Regarding DPRK Prison Camps, Hannah Lee
A Constitution at a Crossroads: A Conversation with the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, Drew F. Cohen
A Conversation about Fred Gray, Dr. King's First Civil Rights Lawyer, Darlene Clark Hine and Jonathan Entin
Aereo and Public Performance Rights Panel, Peter DiCola, Stephen R. Effros, Jane C. Ginsburg, Andrew L. Goldstein, and Matthew Sag
An International Organization’s Identity Crisis, Sungjoon Cho
Anything for You Big Boy: A Comparative Analysis of Banking Regulation in the United States and the United Kingdom in Light of the LIBOR Scandal, Christopher Hall
Autocorrect? A Proposal to Encourage Voluntary Restitution Through the White-Collar Sentencing Calculus, Daniel Faichney
Beary Landscaping, Inc. v. Costigan: The Case for Repealing the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, Pat O’Meara
Bernard Kleina on the Chicago Freedom Movement Through Photos, Bernard J. Kleina
Breakfast, Generously provided by our sponsors
Breaking Free of the Prison Paradigm: Integrating Restorative Justice Techniques Into Chicago's Juvenile Justice System, Judy C. Tsui
Chinaʼs Indigenous Innovation Policies and the World Trade Organization, Daniel C.K. Chow
Clarence Jones on Litigation in Dr. King's Career, Clarence B. Jones and Clayborne Carson
Clayborne Carson on Martin Luther King's Lawyers, Clayborne Carson
Closing the Entrepreneurial Gap: Liberalizing Employment Law to Restore French Competitiveness, Kelly Hamren
Combating Trademark Squatting in China: New Developments in Chinese Trademark Law and Suggestions for the Future, Sunny Chang
Confronting Cognitive “Anchoring Effect" and “Blind Spot” Biases In Federal Sentencing: a Modest Solution For Reforming a Fundamental Flaw, Mark W. Bennett
Creating Constitutional Procedure: Frye, Lafler, and Plea Bargaining Reform, Mike Work
Crime Victims' Rights During Criminal Investigations? Applying the Crime Victims' Rights Act Before Criminal Charges Are Filed, Paul G. Cassell, Nathanael J. Mitchell, and Bradley J. Edwards
Criminal Constitutional Avoidance, William W. Berry III
Critical Tax Policy: a Pathway to Reform?, Nancy J. Knauer
Denying Genocide or Denying Free Speech? A Case Study of the Application of Rwanda’s Genocide Denial Laws, Yakaré-Oulé (Nani) Jansen
Digital Forensic Evidence in the Courtroom: Understanding Content and Quality, Daniel B. Garrie and J. David Morrissy
Dinner and Keynote Speech with Commissioner F. Scott Kieff, USITC, F. Scott Kieff
E-Commerce Clones: Entrepreneurship or Intellectual Property Theft?, Kelly Oki
Expungement and Post-exoneration Offending, Amy Shlosberg, Evan J. Mandery, Valerie West, and Bennett Callaghan
Extending Sentencing Mitigation for Deserving Young Adults, Kelsey B. Shust
Facebook Phobia! the Misguided Proliferation of Restrictive Social Networking Policies for School Employees, Janet R. Decker
Finding Privacy in a Sea of Social Media and Other E-Discovery, Allyson H. Stuart
Foreign Direct Investment from China: Sense and Sensibility, Angela Huyue Zhang
“Gate of the Sun”: Applying Human Rights Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in Light of Non-Violent Resistance and Normalization, Keren Greenblatt
Gene Patenting Panel, Rebecca Dresser, Bonnie Weiss McLeod, Kevin Noonan, Harry Ostrer, and Laura Pedraza-Fariña
Gil Cornfield and Gil Feldman on the Role of Landlord-Tenant Law in the Chicago Freedom Movement, Gilbert Feldman, Gilbert Cornfield, and Bernardine Dohrn
Good Grief! Iran Sanctions and the Expansion of American Corporate Liability for Non-U.S. Subsidiary Violations Under the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012, Alexandra L. Anderson
Government Procurement in the United States– Korea Free Trade Agreement: Great Opportunities for Both Sides?, Hong-Sik (Justin) Chung
Imposing Indigence: Reclaiming the Qualified Right to Counsel of Choice in Criminal Asset Forfeiture Cases, Matthew R. Lasky
Inhibiting Patent Trolling: A New Approach for Applying Rule 11, Eric Rogers and Young Jeon
In re K-Dur Antitrust Litigation: Reopening the Door for Pharmaceutical Competition, Ahalya Sriskandarajah
It Takes a Village to Make a Difference: Continuing the Spirit of Copyright, Stella Brown
Judge Horace Ward on Defending Coercive Criminal Charges, Horace T. Ward and Destiny Peery
Lawful Hacking: Using Existing Vulnerabilities for Wiretapping on the Internet, Steven M. Bellovin, Matt Blaze, Sandy Clark, and Susan Landau
Law’s Laboratory: Developing International Law on Investment Protection as Common Law, Frédéric G. Sourgens
Linguistic Isolation: A New Human Rights Violation Constituting Torture, and Cruel, Inhuman And Degrading Treatment, Peter Jan Honigsberg
Losing Our Innocence: The Illinois Successive Postconviction Actual Innocence Petition Standard After People v. Edwards, Vanessa J. Szalapski
Lunch, Generously provided by our sponsors
Mental Retardation and the Death Penalty: The Need for an International Standard Defining Mental Retardation, Allison Freedman
Michael Cody on Defending Civil Rights Marches in the Courts, W.J. Michael Cody
More than the Sum of All Parts: Taking on IP and IT Theft Through a Global Partnership, Andrew F. Popper
Negotiating Peremptory Challenges, Caren Myers Morrison
Networking Reception (co-sponsored with Intellectual Property Law Society), n/a
"Obtaining" the Right Result: A Novel Interpretation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act That Provides Liability for Insider Theft Without Overbreadth, Kevin Jakopchek
Off with His Head: The King Can Do No Wrong, Hurricane Katrina, and the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, Christopher R. Dyess
Ooey GUI: The Messy Protection of Graphical User Interfaces, Rachel Stigler
Overview of Dr. King's Career, Aldon Morris
Parental Incarceration: What We Know and Where We Need to Go, Christopher Uggen and Suzy McElrath
Patent Assertion and Non-Practicing Entities Panel, Michael D. Friedman, Jay P. Kesan, Matthew Levy, Laura Beth Miller, K. McNeill Taylor Jr., and Andrew Williams
Pliers and Screwdrivers as Contributory Infringement Devices: Why Your Local Digital Repair Shop Might Be a Copyright Infringer, and Why We Must Stop the Craziness, Anjanette H. Raymond
Prevention of Human Trafficking for Labor Exploitation: The Role of Corporations, Nicola Jägers and Conny Rijken
Proposal for an International Criminal Court Arrest Procedures Protocol, David Scheffer
Quotas and the Transatlantic Divergence of Corporate Governance, Véronique Magnier and Darren Rosenblum
Realizing Reliability in Forensic Science from the Ground Up, Jessica D. Gabel
Reception, Generously provided by our Gold Level sponsors
Shadow Immigration Enforcement and Its Constitutional Dangers, Maureen A. Sweeney
Special Luncheon Lecture by Professor Daniel Spulber on Innovation Economics, Daniel Spulber
Statelessness and Mass Expulsion in Sudan: A Reassessment of the International Law, Mike Sanderson
Strategic Assertions: Evading the Patent Marking Requirement, Christina Sharkey
The Curious Case of Inactive Bankruptcy Practice in China: A Comparative Study of U.S. and Chinese Bankruptcy Law, Yujia Jiang
The Hedonic Consequences of Punishment Revisited, Christopher Wildeman, Kristin Turney, and Jason Schnittker
The Hidden Tool in a Foreign Investorʼs Toolbox:The Trade Preference Program as a “Carrot and Stick” to Secure Compliance with International Law Obligations, Peter D. Fox and Charles B. Rosenberg
The International Market for Contracts: The Most Attractive Contract Laws, Gilles Cuniberti
The Intersection of Dominance Feminism and Stalking Laws, Andrea Mazingo
These Aren’t My Peers: Why Illinois Should Reconsider its Age Requirement for Jury Service, Wesley Morrissette
The Transaction Cost Problem in International Intellectual Property Exchange and Innovation Markets, Sonia Baldia
To Cure the E-Discovery Headache, Revamp the Rule 26(f) Discovery Conference, Matthew Young
Top Tens of 2013: Patent, Trademark, Copyright, and Trade Secret Cases, Stephen McJohn
Welcome Reception, Sponsored by Northwestern Law School’s Master of Science in Law, a one-year Master’s degree in law for scientists and engineers. For more information, please visit:
Why So Contrived? Fourth Amendment Balancing, Per Se Rules, and DNA Databases After Maryland v. King, David H. Kaye
You Can’t Get There From Here: Implications of the Walmart v. Dukes Decision for Addressing Second-Generation Discrimination, Roger W. Reinsch and Sonia Goltz